xcframework with dependencies

2. Did you find a solution to this issue? On iOS, frameworks (dynamic or static) and libraries (static only) are two types of module that can be linked to another module, either in a compiled state or not. Heres how the entire Package.swift file should look like: Open the LoadableViewDemo-iOS project in Xcode, and at the same time close the XIBLoadableLocal Swift package. The framework or library might be from a vendor that only shares the compiled version of their code. Besides that, its also necessary to update the targets argument in the library(name:targets:) method right above, and provide the XIBLoadable as the target name for the library that the package will produce. In the targets array now well add another method called binaryTarget(name:url:cheksum). Even if we add pods from the client-side it does not work. In fact, well meet two different variations of that; in the first one, well see how to have a binary framework as a Swift package where both the framework and the package exist locally. At mentioned earlier presentation, there are described several steps that are required for compiling and packing the lib in XCFramework format: For a start at all target projects, which are responsible for compiling the lib under target platforms, it is needed to enable new for Xcode 11 setting Build Libraries for Distribution. You are correct. Woohoo! Select File > Project structure > Dependencies > app. xcframework. Add -lc++ and -ObjC to Other Linker Flags under Build Settings. For starters, lets run the app in the Simulator and see if the DemoView contents will appear on screen. When generating GreetingUI.xcframework, xcodebuild compiles Toast-Swift and statically links Toast-Swift to GreetingUI.xcframework, so Toast-Swift's .swiftmodule is not generated. One that will be working on real iOS devices, and one that will be working in the Simulator. Similarly to what we previously did, start by replacing the default import statement with the following: AppKit is the counterpart framework of UIKit on macOS, and as we were needing UIKit in order to work with UIView, here we need AppKit to work with NSView. If the target you are creating an XCFramework happens to be a dependency, swift-create-xcframework will look back into the package graph, locate the version that dependency resolved to, and append the version number to your zip file name. Well start off by creating the two frameworks mentioned in the previous part from scratch. All of them are xcframeworks. To teach how to create a XCFramework binary framework based on frameworks variants that provide similar functionality for multiple target platforms. Before XCFramework was introduced, developers packaged multiple archives into a so called Fat Framework. While there are many similarities between the .framework and .xcframework file extensions, the main difference is that .xcframework is compatible with Swift Package Manager, providing a convenient way for Xcode to add update dependencies. Xcode takes care of it automatically. At first, select the project in the Project navigator, and then open the General tab. It will contain two required methods; one for loading the XIB contents, and one that will be adding the view object using XIBLoadable to its parent view by setting the necessary auto layout constraints. Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? It can be done with help of the following command: Here can be many parameter indications -framework, which point at all builds .framework, that are to be included in .xcframework. With all the above now in place, lets do the same in a new framework that will be targeting the macOS platform. Use this tool to create XCFramework from legacy fat-framework files. Once again, we change the destination and archive path as necessary: When archiving is finished, the archives folder should be containing three archives: With the archives generated, we can now move on to building the desired XCFramework. The script looks simple and, in fact, brings together earlier mentioned commands for building process: At the result of the build script working from the previous paragraph of this article, we have the needed bundle .xcframework, which can be added to the project. and add "@executable_path/Frameworks" setting into your MyFramework.framework > Build settings > Runpath Search Paths. iOS development is what hes being doing since 2010. Everything in one single place, with one single item to distribute only. The URL to the remote framework zip file. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. For building and packing the lib to the format .xcframework at this stage, we can use bash script, at the separate file. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. This also applies to the Cocoapod version, although dependencies are managed by Cocoapods. xcframework-maker. can you please share a github link to the solution you described above ? Product Features. Otherwise, is adds the top level view loaded from the XIB as a subview to the current view object that adopts the XIBLoadable protocol, and sets the necessary auto layout constraints. And yes, it works on the device as well! Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Actually, and in order to avoid encountering any errors in Xcode later on, dont use cloud services that they dont return a share link with the zip extension at the end of the URL. In the next step name the framework as XIBLoadable-iOS. Using this I was able to make an XCFramework that incorporates support for those native Java types, including all their functionality from Java, into Swift. or Any alternate approach? Learn by doing is the heart of our learning materials. And, earlier mentioned extension for Optimal is to be put to the file itself. Go to the File > New > Swift Package menu to initiate the creation of a brand new Swift package, and name it XIBLoadableLocal. I'm trying to distribute XCFramework with third-party dependencies via SPM but faced the is implemented in both issue. If you link against a library that is not part of the same repo, you will need to copy over the public header files as well (in addition of the XCFramework of course!). A default implementation of both methods will be provided in a protocols extension, so they can be used out of the box on each platform. Finally, keep this help page as it provides the outline on how to create a XCFramework. With the new project ready, press Cmd+N and create a new Swift file. xcodebuild allows you to create xcframework by specifying frameworks, libraries or even can add headers to the libraries. XCFramework contain variants not only for device and Simulator, but for any of the platforms that Xcode supports: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS; . Signing sub-framework embedded in root-framework not working (Xcode 11.2.1), The target overrides the `OTHER_LDFLAGS` build setting defined in `Pods/Pods.xcconfig, iOS app with framework crashed on device, dyld: Library not loaded, Xcode 6 Beta, Xcode building for iOS Simulator, but linking in an object file built for iOS, for architecture 'arm64', Xcode12.4 - iOS Umbrella xcframework framework with xcframework sub projects, Adding XCFramework to framework project gives error: Include of non-modular header inside framework module. After doing so, press Cmd+B to build the project once. The two methods will also be marked as public in the default implementation that is coming right next. Since weve already done that in the previous part, please follow all steps described there, including the default files clean up as well as deleting the predefined targets in the Package.swift file, and updating the library(name:targets:) parameter values with the XIBLoadable value. Umbrella framework is also suggested over the internet but mostly suggested to avoid that approach. @dipidoo having checked this out - it potentially can workaround the issue in some projects. Swift package consists of 3 parts: dependencies . Final thoughts Check https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod.html, Sample Podspec file with XCFramework + Third party dependency. Whereas the default option for a framework is to define a module, it is not the case for a library. Adding .xcframework to Link Binary With Libraries on the tab Build Phases, 3. I really hope you found this post helpful, and that theres something new you learnt here today. Or you can use Xcode interface. While being in Xcode, close the XIBLoadableRemote package and open the LoadableViewDemo-iOS project. For example, the following will list the frameworks contents in the XIBLoadable-iOS archive: The above command assumes that were already inside the output folder, so before writing the above in Terminal, change the working directory to the output directory. BTW, It seems to custom the @rpath and manual codesign the OtherFramework. We had talked thoroughly about Swift packages in the past in this post, and youre prompted to read it if you havent done so already. If you ever tried to create a binary framework that was supposed to be working in both iOS devices and the Simulator, then you can definitely appreciate the significance of the XCFramework format. In your application project, by going to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency you can type the URL of your GitHub repository and select the appropriate version if you want to consume. Our Framework is dependent on some third-party libraries which we are using via Pods. Failed to build module from its module interface; it may have been damaged or it may have triggered a bug in the Swift compiler when it was produced, XCFramework creation error: The CodingKeys(stringValue: "SupportedPlatform", intValue: nil) is empty in library -arm64_armv7. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Did the below solution actually work? XCFramework were introduced on wwdc 2019. Now we have created the project, which can be built in XCFramework, using commands from the previous stage. to the project. 2) Create an archive for iOS-Simulator platform. For the field Product Name we can use the name with the suffix of the platform, which we add the target for. For example, it was officially impossible to build a framework that would contain code aiming on both real iOS devices and the Simulator; unofficial solutions had come up of course with the so-called fat frameworks, however such a framework usually didnt make it all the way to App Store; it was a good reason for rejection, so fat frameworks were good just for development. In the window that shows up make sure that the XIBLoadableRemote package is selected and click Create. URL to the framework is what is actually needed in such cases, without being necessary for it to be contained in the package. They allow us to package different architectures of the same module into one entity. Choose the iOS platform, and the Framework template in the Framework & Library section. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? No need to type a message so click Create. The path to the folder that the archive will be stored into is specified with the. Integrating RxSwift as XCFramework with CocoaPods | Better Programming 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. And if youre a Swift package fan like I am, then you have all the reasons to feel happy with the marriage of XCFrameworks and Swift packages, regardless of whether youre sharing code with others or youre creating your own, personal library of reusable components. Before creating the package though, lets begin from a different point; lets make a copy of the XIBLoadable.xcframework first. You are strongly advised to store it in the same subfolder where you have the output folder, as well as both XIBLoadable-iOS and XIBLoadable-macOS framework projects. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Not the answer you're looking for? If your XCFramework includes a library, edit the Header Search Paths and Library Search Paths . What youll find in that starter pack is two projects, one for iOS and one for macOS, that contain a view subclass (UIView and NSView respectively) along with a counterpart XIB file. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Right after the protocols closing, add its extension: The Self: UIView condition limits the use of the protocol methods to UIView types only; what theyre supposed to do is meaningful just to views, so no other type should be able to use the default implementation. The name of the framework. As just said, the next step in the flow is to archive both frameworks created previously like any other project that we usually archive in Xcode. Using Swift of course! Demo project here: https://github.com/msaps/XCFramework-Link-Issue. Now, its becoming feasible to distribute binary code as well bundled up in a XCFramework. Working on accompanying web and server . Written for beginners without any programming experience. Note that we provide the relative path to it: A few moments later you will see checksum showing up on Terminal. or the stored string is empty. In the Source Control navigator again right click on the XIBLoadableRemote repository to show the context menu. In addition, delete the XIBLoadable.xcframework item from the Project navigator, under the Frameworks group. The second reason is to improve compile time. Company acquisition Show more Show less Senior Associate Mobile Solutions Publicis Sapient Nov 2020 - Jul 2021 9 months. I had an issue like that as well. An archive is a package of files, and it can be opened in order to see what it contains. Doing so will better help follow the steps coming up next. Then rename it to its original name, XIBLoadable.xcframework. Its marked with the @discardableResult attribute in case the result value of the method is not necessary to be used. This article will show you how to proceed with both steps. i am having the same issue and have to go this path to solve it. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. In it youll see the XIBLoadableRemote Swift package that contains the XIBLoadable binary framework under a special group called Referenced Binaries. Well start from the second case that was just described above, and well see how to configure a Swift package that uses the binary framework from a local path. Itll be something like that: 8580a0031a90739830a613767150ab1a53644f6e745d6d16090429fbc0d7e7a4. Further, we should to collect all targets for target platforms and architectures. It's not a umbrella framework issue. We recommend writing the dependencies like . The solution which works for me is to create a pod and add a third-party dependency in a pod spec. One for the iOS platform, and one for macOS. To teach learn how to use Swift packages in order to distribute a XCFramework, either those are local or remote. As a variant, we can use the basic project name, in the mentioned earlier configuration this name is XCFrameworkExample. Project Target > Build Settings > Linking > Other Linker Flags; If you directly downloaded or built CrashReporter.framework, the Enable Bitcode under Build Settings must be . To continue, its necessary to have a GitHub account, or alternatively, a Bitbucket account to use instead. Gabriel has been a software developer for almost about two decades and hes got long experience in programming using various languages. . Right below the existing import statement, add the following: While typing it, youll see that Xcode suggests it automatically. If we look inside this bundle, which, as and .framework, is in fact simple folder, we will see the following structure: Here we can see that inside .xcframework there are builds in the format .framework, broken by platforms and architectures. I choose to delete them here so we have a clean package, so select the Tests folder and delete it entirely. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a way to fix it or to workaround it, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, XCFramework dependencies `is implemented in both` issue, All of my external dependency imports are marked with, I was able to distribute the same binary with cocoapods without any issue (probably thanks to. . After that, we need to create one more Target by type Framework in the project for another from the listed platforms (except that, which the project was created for, initially). Even though well create various projects in Xcode in order to create the base frameworks or the Swift packages, the demo applications that well use to try everything on can be downloaded from here. Open the Source Control navigator (Cmd+2). Then, delete the XIBLoadableLocal folder under Sources, and let Sources be the only folder you are seeing in the package. The backslash character (\) makes it possible to break the command parameters in multiple lines, making it more readable that way. Obviously, their implementation will depend on the UIKit framework on iOS, and on the AppKit framework on macOS. Thats why a custom server is usually the best approach. Up until Xcode 12, Swift packages had been useful for distributing and sharing source code that was visible to everyone. Next, heres the default implementation for the first method: Describing the above shortly, the method first tries to load the contents of the XIB file given as an argument. The detailed steps to do that task in Xcode have been thoroughly described in this tutorial, even though Xcode 12 introduces some changes to the naming of certain functionalities. This will help a lot to work with paths in Terminal later. https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod.html, https://github.com/zalazara/pod-template-xcframework.git, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Up until Xcode 12, Swift packages had been useful for distributing and sharing Source that! Clicking post your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, policy! Import statement, add the following: while typing it, youll see the repository. Amp ; library section Runpath Search Paths is also suggested over the internet but mostly suggested to avoid that.! Content and collaborate around the technologies you use most, copy and paste this url your! ( \ ) makes it possible to break the command parameters in multiple,... 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xcframework with dependencies