sharwil avocado vs hass

In my yard, Reeds start to taste good as early as May, and can go through September. Thank you! Medium spreading canopy. Those three trees would be my choice too, another benefit of the fuerte in the mix is that its a b type and you will get good pollination and more fruit set. Would you say these are still your top 3? The wood is soft, the leaves are soft. Truth is, youll probably be happy with either a Reed or a Sharwil in every way. . But yes, Lamb, Reed, and Fuerte all have higher salt tolerance than Hass. Its important information. Where I am now (Ramona) gets a little chillier even than there but Lamb does fine in my yard. There are lots of other very good avocado varieties. Might turn out to be yours though! Two, get a combination of hardier varieties and others like Hass, Reed, GEM, etc. Only Fuerte tastes good then, of those youve mentioned. Hard to say. Is the white wash enough? However, the main challenge is that different varieties grow at different rates so you have to prune in order to make sure that one (or more) dont take over and shade out the other(s). Thank you so much for the great articles, and for your personal attention and replies. They call it Standard or 4 mulch. Try to check out the frost patterns next time we get a cold night too. You might be able to find a Gwen to taste at a farmers market somewhere nearby around now and through summer. I already have lamb, fuerte, Mexicola, Pinkerton, Reed, wurtz, Sir prize. have a question about sizing when purchasing. Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. The only real negative was that the seedcoat didnt adhere to the seed. Its been since May since I communicated with you. Thank you so much for your response. Oh yes, I found an avocado tree in Nice!!!!!!!!!!! (Actually, Lamb drops more fruit in spring compared to Reed. Fruits are of high market quality due to its exceptional flavor, high oil content and small seed. We do have a small green house, but its not really large enough for an avocado tree of any size unless we leave it in a pot, which would limit its productivity. I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! It is very good sized, peels easily, acts like it is a semi-dwarf tree, and the fruit is just so good! You could try a different variety, but I doubt that would significantly change your results. Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? Best regards, I dont know the growing habits of avocados generally in Hawaii compared to California. Were getting a couple of avocado trees to plant in Pasadena. On June 10 and 11 last year (2019), my yard reached 100 both days. Very happy with my Zutano. Aside from their physical differences, the main difference between Hass and Fuerte avocados is their textures. On the other hand, I doubt youd be disappointed with Pinkerton, which is widely available. So, in a sense, you dont want to disturb them. I have two questions, if I may made to the U.S. Mainland and beyond, with the eventual eye toward gaining approval to ship. But the distinctive smooth texture and nutty yellow flesh of a perfect Fuerte is so appealing to me that I dont even want to adulterate it as guacamole. Congratulations on your house in Covina. Thank you for your great thoughts on Avos! We should be able to figure out how to make one work. Tamp the soil down around the tree's . Contemplated stopping by Fallbrook and talking to a grower, but returning on Sunday meant I was a bit eager to get home. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. Thanks again for everything. The tree bears regular crops of large, round fruit of exceptional eating quality. Mateo. In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. Thanks, Keith. Youre right Walter. However, if youd like a B type to complement Hass for pollination and season extension then Id go with Fuerte, Sharwil, or Nabal. Then you can add a third one strictly based a flavor. The grove manager said he prefers Hass at no closer than 12 feet. Many thanks in advance for your help and advice! Our water on the Mesa is exceptionally hard, and Im wondering if perhaps we should try a Lamb or Reed instead, or how salt tolerant a Fuerte is? But Im guessing. Out of those choices, I would go with Fuerte just because it has the most potential for cross-pollination with Pinkerton. Lambs do get rich, for sure. I realize it cant live forever there but at least I will get to try the fruit someday. Thanks for your super helpful website! Ill try some beneficial predator mites next. It seems that Reed has the advantage in terms of fruit production. Ill write it within the next couple weeks and title it something like Avocado varieties for year-round fruit.. Im in Yucaipa (barely north of the center of the city.) Is there something I can do to prevent the drop, or is it just survival of the fittest? Its super helpful for us newbies . Should I plant a Reed to complement my other trees? The state dealt in the Sharwil variety of avocado, which some say is superior in taste and texture and yields more flesh. Also my grandfather said growing up in Los Angeles they had Mcarthur avocados, Have you ever heard of them? I am curious to hear your thoughts on these varieties or think something else would be better suited. Tree 1: Im really leaning towards a GEM. If they dont get a good start to life, they usually struggle forever. I also like Maddock. Hi Greg, . They will always stay true to who they are (unlike Hass, who with one whiff of heat or pressure shapeshift quicker than a Harry Potter character). 1. Medium thickness of skin - Sharwil and Hass - handles shipping better than thin-skinned varieties (Kahaluu); easier for consumer to determine ripeness than thick-skinned varieties (Murashige, Yamagata). I have a place near my citrus trees. I have two Hass and a sir prize, and my next door neighbor has a Big Florida type avocado and a friend down the street has a seed grown reed type with round fruit. USDA zones are not very useful for deciding these things, unfortunately. Im from Southern Portugal and had also trouble to find reliable sources for avo trees. Replaced with a Reed which is doing great so far. Same for my Sharwil and the Sharwils I know nearby, except that Im not sure theyll produce quite as much as Reed. Hawaii Sharwil avocado. The tree eventually began to die, when I cut it down the center of the large branches were black. Reed also stays green when its ripe. Youve already got some great varieties growing there. But mine trees are still small 3 and 4 feet and last year only had 5 egg size fruit. Im jealous. But its good to remember that any trees shape can be affected somewhat by whats growing around it and where its getting sun. I just bought a house in Covina, CA, and Im looking to plant two varieties in the same area (about 10 apart) once our cold spell is over. Great and very informative information for us who are interested in Avocado farming.However I need more information on how I could distinguish different Avocado trees, for instance I understand that Hass avocado trees are ever green. Fuerte would work here since its bloom season is long and overlaps well with these two varieties. The main negative is that, to me, Pinkertons dont taste quite as good as Fuertes. Our southernmost facing front yard has a decent slope, so planning to plant there. There are likewise some very old Puebla-type trees where I grew up that I always drive by to check on when Im in the neighborhood. The second time I tried in on avocado toast and to my surprise it tasted even more like Fuerte. This is a very informative blog. Ive never bought from Clausen but have heard good results from a friend who has bought avocado trees there. The avocados have smaller seeds inside and therefore produces a significantly larger amount of flesh to eat than other avocado types. Elizabeth. The fifteen-gallon avocado trees Ive planted have all continued to be far bigger and productive earlier than five-gallon trees planted at the same time. Eventually we could put up a larger greenhouse, but Im hoping that we can proceed without having to do that. Fruit Weight: 7-14 oz. Do you have any recommendations for which trees/rootstock combinations have the best chance of survival out here? And thats what a five- compared to fifteen-gallon tree is: younger. That sounds like a nice combination of trees, and it sounds like theyre growing very well. That was very encouraging. At best, carrying a super heavy crop load usually means that the following years crop will be very light. In terms of the harvest season complementing your Hass and Fuerte, advantage probably goes to Reed here also. Miuch like Citrus, Palm and Catus mix. Yes, I like Nabal. Compared to Hass, its harvest season isnt quite as long. Ive seen numerous examples of this throughout Southern California. Pinkerton, First propagated in 1911 in a California nursery, it got its name - Spanish for "strong" - after a particularly hard frost hit the area in 1913. I enjoy hearing your feedback on Holiday. Historic photo of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hass in front of an avocado tree CA avocados like Lamb Hass don't do well in FL and vice versa. (and even Home Depot) you can get a Reed avocado tree grown by La Verne or Durling. Its usually easier to grow an avocado tree in the ground than to keep one healthy in a container. but Im not sure. by Greg Alder | Mar 23, 2018 | Avocados | 167 comments. Reed is basically a summer-into-fall variety. I love your articles!! FRUITING VARIETY Hass Carmen Hass - subject to $5.18 + GST per tree royalty payment Maluma Hass - subject to $5.00 + GST per tree royalty payment Reed Sharwil But I have to emphasize that this is just secondhand information. And if its a tiny tree youre after, then it doesnt get much smaller than Holiday (XX3). Thanks a lot for contributing this. Thank you. A couple of practices to consider from the UC IPM page: Excess fertilization, especially with quick-release formulations, may increase persea mite numbers and damage during late spring and summer due to increased foliar nitrogen. Carmen and GEM are definitely both worth adding to your collection in terms of being great tasting, high yielding, and having good hang time. Hi Elizabeth, Hi Robert, We dont need a shade tree (probably that was obvious. Thats because after choosing the variety I decided that time has come to choose the rootstock)))) It sounds like an ideal type B. There is no bitterness or bacony note. Thats a fun project. The only caveat Id make is that Pinkerton and Gwen both seem to like to have a B-type avocado nearby in order to produce their maximum. Option 2: Sir Prize. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. If I was going to do it again here in the Southern Vic, I'd just go for Hass and Reeds mostly with maybe three Bacons and an Ettinger for a pollinator. If the only Hass avocados youve had are from the grocery store, then you have no idea. Grows the best long-term in the ground. As good as some other avocados are, nothing pleases me quite as much as eating a high quality Fuerte. But I would add them only after planting this trio. That being said, I have eaten excellent Sharwils from the De Luz area as late as October. I have learned so much from your website, Thank You. Hi Greg, You might try spraying the undersides of foliage every week or so for a period in spring and/or summer to see if it makes a difference. I use foam or bubble insulation to wrap the trunks of my baby trees their first winter. Thanks for all of these wonderful updates. I do know MacArthur avocados. I dont know of any other commercial avocado grove with many Sharwils, unfortunately. Horizontally? Buddy, youre the best. I am curious to see if it will fruit consistently. (it is tempting to just buy a larger tree but im in it for the long run). I would recommend buying a new and healthy tree within the next month and planting it straight away no keeping it for months on your deck first. Plus, Ive seen in my own yard that Fuerte pollenizes Pinkerton very well:, Greg love your article and all the discussions. Also, avocado flowers are primarily pollinated by bees, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart. North American market for . I ate my first ever Kona Sharwil today. The Hass is a tough act to follow, but Backyard. Thanks so much for all the info and experience you provide! In the Southern Hemisphere, I would arrange them with Reed toward the equator (on the north end) since it is slightly less vigorous and it will get extra sun in fall-winter-spring, Fuerte in the middle since it has a B-type flower and will enhance the fruitfulness of the adjacent A types, and Hass on the south end. But this is just theory, and I lack experience in so many other aspects of gardening. I hope I can answer all of your questions on this topic there. So, I want versions that handle topping well or are naturally small. Then youll still be lacking in winter. There is a lot of great info here. They arent peculiar in flavor to me, they just taste like everything I hope for when I think avocado.. I just cant say for sure. Yulia. 4. Im considering a 6 X 10 planting. I love my Hass. June of 2018 They will never let you down or change their form. What a find. More reliably available than Sharwil, GreyStar avocados have the same wonderful texture and delicious flavour, and a long season from December to June. Yet the tree is smaller in that it is an upright instead of a large spreading type, the fruit are small but turn black when ripe (about the size of tiny hass found 8 in a bag), and the tree is a heavy producer (at least it was this time). I dont have a lot of firsthand experience with avocados in your area so I try to be keep quiet about what will grow well there and how to do it. I see the UC grafting resource you posted, but I am curious how to select varieties that would be well suited for grafting to the same tree. Where do you guys find Reeds in San Diego? And when I hear one in my neighborhood, I find the tree trimmers and ask if theyd be willing to dump their chips by my driveway. I grafted some Sharwils here and there in the spring, and theyve grown more than any other variety I grafted this year (including Fuerte, which people often talk of as being so vigorous). Florida avocados, for one, have less fat; one cup of the fruit has 23 grams of fat compared to a Hass avocado's 35 grams. They grow and mature on the tree, but they only ripen (soften) after being picked, after their stem is severed. Whats Reed like? . By black sand I meant sandy loom. (Both Reed and Hass produce more than Fuerte in my yard.) The Different Types According To Region Of Origin Horticulturally, avocados are classified into three categories, based on the regions of their origin. Hi Peter, (Both Reed and Hass produce more than Fuerte in my yard.) 1 year old Bacon on Zutano seedling I dont think it is possible to attach files to the commentaries, so I will send you pictures by email. Which town or area are you in? I know Sylmar, and I would guess that my neighborhood is slightly milder than yours even though my area is also on the hot side in summer and chilly side in winter, as far as most of Southern California goes. All avocado varieties need roughly the same care. (Theyll both produce some without a pollenizer.) I wanted to plant them next to each other. Thank you! If your Reed is on Dusa and its doing well so far, then I would get those other trees on Dusa too. I think, my garden is in the 10a zone. You live in a fantastic neighborhood for growing avocados, as you obviously know. Hass has the wonderful ability to mature its fruit and then hold them on the tree for many months, waiting for you to pick them. var. Sharwil Avocados are medium-sized pear shaped fruits characterized by their rough green skin, which stays green and does not turn black as it ripens. It will be in the first week of October. Kindest regards, Once budwood is available without using the mother tree I will share more on the Lamorinda. As for Reed, it can handle the heat fairly well as far as Ive seen. The texture and taste were very very good, top notch, with only a couple of very minor fibers. If you knew a lot about your soil, then you could make a better guess as to which rootstock is likely to perform best, but I wouldnt worry about that. So even though I had anticipated buying for a few months, it seems that the winter avocado is more expensive, historically. On the other hand, he plants GEM at 10 feet because it is less vigorous than Hass. that is why I decided to find out by growing two trees and to report on them. Do you have any experience or exposure to Nabal Avos? Sharwil, Stewart, Sir Prize, Hass and Holiday dont seem to do as well here in comparison. Finally picking a bunch of softball-sized, very tasty fruits. At the same time I have not been able to taste one and am surprised at how difficult it has been to find, so I wonder how accurate those old articles are, what downsides it might have that have made it less popular over time. And dont worry about the distance. We may have an improved Fuerte. Avocado - GEM - 3 - 4 feet tall Exotic Fruit Trees Limit 5 per customer. Cliff. I have a Hass that is a few years old from Durling Nursery. Ive never eaten Green Gold. Its been a great summer in OB/Pt Loma. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. Persea americana x 'Mexicola Grande'. I couldnt send the photos here. In the meantime, there are heaps of other varieties that are already publicly available to explore. Thanks! I have downscaled a bit.and now I have just 20 trees and 16 varieties. While Dusa is the global standard today, it does not perform best in all conditions with all scion varieties. We have/had four avo trees planted next to each other. Note that Im really tentative about saying this. Although I enjoy the diversity of tastes in most all avocado varieties, theres something about Fuerte fruits that hit the target for me. So I tried a Reed for the first time today from the farmers market. In my garden, I have only one Reed. Jan Boyce Avocado. In that case, the tree needs to be kept cool and hydrated as far as possible. Theyre hard to find these days. I did a Sharwill, Sirprize and Gemthats a B B and an A, planted them 42 inches apart. All I can say is wow! Thanks for the articles; Im finding them to be a wonderful resource. I completely understand and I agree. Thanks so much for this update. Good questions, all. I am curious what your recommendation and thoughts are for year around great tasting avocados from my backyard in Tustin. Maybe I should just roll the dice! The main difference is that GEM is a smaller tree, if that matters to you. See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). Vasco, thank you for your kind message. Avocado oils are considered heart-healthy and good for your skin. Green gold can not compete with shawil but makes good quac. Do you like its eating qualities about as well as Sharwil? Anyway, Id focus on A types, and with the 14-foot ceiling you could prune any variety to keep its size in check or go with a naturally smaller variety such as Gwen, GEM, Pinkerton, Lamb, or even Reed (these will all ultimately get taller than 14 feet, but not as soon). Thanks for the update. The three more Guatemalan types get afternoon shade which I think helps since in recent years our summers are very intense much like inland Riverside and or Redlands as I recall with temperatures reaching well over a 100 more often than a decade ago. Make sure that you water the tree every day to retain the moisture, and remove it to an area that still gets sunlight during cold weather moths, but is protected from frosts and freezes (a large sunny room is perfect). I have to do that with my avocados here in Sunset Zone 20 too. Being in Montecito, its likely that your Hass will set very well without a pollenizer. I have a friend who lives in your area: nice place to grow avocados. In fact nowadays growing mangos and bananas is becoming more common here whereas just a decade ago an avocado tree put you on the cutting edge of growing. . Our Avocado Varieties. I dont think youll regret a Hass/Bacon pair unless you dont like the milder taste of Bacon. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). So I decided to plant a Hass and a Sir Prize which sounded like a great variety. The foliage just doesnt look very pretty close up. I feel really enthusiastic about it, and grateful for your advice. FWIW I think Fuerte, Reed and obviously a great Hass are among my top 5 so your advice is excellent. I wish you luck with the planting this is a perfect time for it. I named the tree Lamorinda after the area it is grown which is name referring to the 3 cities of Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda. It is simply an awesome fruit. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. I guess the mites are too small to interest Ladybugs. One of the challenging things is actually figuring out the season for each time and what that season is for those varieties in the location it is planted. come up with some heat resistant varieties. I figured there had to be one. So I need to know the characteristics of other types of Avocado trees. More than half the fat in avocados is the healthy monounsaturated fat (the type in olive oil) and saturated fat is minimal. It could be something I acquired from eating Fuertes as a kid, I dont know. Could you make a suggestion and where I may obtain that tree. [About our soil: it is not acid at all, for sure. During the big freeze a few years ago, the temp got so low that it killed a lot of local avocados. On your south-facing slope it might not be as happy. Sir-Prize is a very good avocado but I dont think its quite as good as those three, especially for your situation since its harvest season is only a little before Hass and overlapping with Hass. This is when I began looking for my trees abroad, within the EU. If you can send me another email address then please do. I write a new "Yard Post" every Friday. Thanks for the info. Thanks for all the resources. I confess I began gardening only very recently, and I am super interested in all the different varieties and the scientific details. We do occasionally get into the mid-20s F in the winter, but it rarely reaches 70F in the summer. Thank you so much for your answer. It becomes hydrophobic whereas the mulch never does.) 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sharwil avocado vs hass