temple of dendur jackie kennedy

Just couldnt believe it. This is the plane carrying the body of President Kennedy from Dallas to Washington. temple of dendur jackie kennedy. The pharaoh who is shown on the walls of the temple is Augustus Caesar, emperor of Rome. Temple of Dendur. Even though the images on Egyptian temples show the pharaoh performing the rituals himself, in reality it was usually the local priests who did the ceremonies in the temple. Augustus (on the right) offers jars of wine to the deities Harendotes (center) and Hathor (left). Installation view of The Temple of Dendur. The Temple of Dendur: From Egypt, Nubia, Dendur, West bank of the Nile River, 50 miles South of Aswan. A number of suspects were picked up in the early minutes after the shooting. [2] Originally separated by wooden doors, the antechamber opens into the sanctuary where the Egyptians believed the gods resided. It was from this kind of window that the assassins bullet is believed to have been fired. To the left is a white crown, a symbol of upper Egypt, and a red crown for lower Egypt. Jenna Gribbon, April studio, parting glance, 2021. The Dendur temple then relocated to American museum. Aeolian sandstone, Temple proper: H. 6.40 m (21 ft.); L. 12.50 m (41 ft.); Gate: H. 8.08 m (26.5 ft.); W. 3.66 m (12 ft.); D. 3.35 m (11 ft.). He lived always in a whirl of activity. Erik Severeid: Walter, I thought perhaps that we might talk (adjusts glasses and fiddles with his ear lobe for a while) a little about the new President of the United States. John 3 November the 25th and (Walter Cronkite puts on his glasses) Caroline 6, on November the 27th. Things began to get crowded despite police efforts there at the rear of the hospital, the Emergency room. But 69 has also come to mean other things as well in our lifetime that arent proper to say although I might attempt to later on. Vignette showing Augustus (right) offering to the god Thoth and the goddess Tephenis. [2], In 1933, Aswan Low Dam was increased in height. Some thought he simply had taken ill. The President reportedly was alive when he reached the hospital but he died a short time after arriving at the hospital. Earlier this year, the ailing preacherpublicly endorseda proposed constitutional amendment, Ive known their family for many years and have watched them grow Chick-fil-A, into one of the best businesses in America. Up there on the 4th or 5th floor, perhaps out of one of those open windows, is where the assassin of President Kennedy is believed to have fired the fatal shots. Father Oscar Huber of Holy Trinity Church in Dallas and one of the other Fathers at Holy Trinity Church. Of course, he is only 40 something years old. Weird looking Sean asks the same man before this nutty actor with the bulging eyes. And the two boarded Air Force One at Carswell Air Force Base for the 30-mile air trip from Ft. Worth to Dallas. Is he helping the man answer his question or is he trying to gain attention? These were long moments at Parkland Hospital as everyone waited for word on- how is the President. The President lived for 35 minutes after being rushed to Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Down the Main Street Canyon of Dallas. The more I learn about Jackie Kennedy and her support of the arts, the more I am impressed with her. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with its many secrets,houses a wonderful collection of works that date back to ancient times and through to the Renaissance. I share the sense of shock and dismay that all Americans feel at the despicable act that resulted in the death of our nations President. [6] To represent the Nile and the cliffs of the original location, the architects placed a reflecting pool in front of the temple and a sloping wall behind it; the temple retained its original orientation toward the east. They were the two Catholic Priests who administered the last rites. David Roberts, Egypt & Nubia, vol. "In the 1960s, the world's attention was focused on a nail-biting race against time-an international campaign to save over a dozen ancient Egyptian temples, built during the height of the pharaohs' rule, from drowning in the floodwaters of the gigantic new Aswan High Dam. The Temple of Dendur Roman Period completed by 10 B.C. The Temple of Dendur, as its called, iscompletely open to the public, which means visitors can walk through its doors and hallways, experiencing the temple as it was originally used thousands of years ago. On May 25th it confirmed the gift.. She has other television and radio stations in Texas. [1], The temple's outer walls feature sunk relief carvings of Emperor Augustus as a pharaoh making offerings to the deities Isis, Osiris, and their son Horus. Isis, Osiris, their son Horus, and the other deities are identified by their crowns and the inscriptions beside their figures. [10] The Met also decided to change the name of the wing. I wont waste my time trying to follow this little imp though this street interview. Egyptian temples often included designs inspired by nature. She was thefirst woman to serve as a federal district judge in Texas Decoration around the outside of the southern door leading into the temple porch. [10][5] In 2019, the museum stopped accepting contributions from the family because of the Sackler family's association with the opioid crisis. Or this conservation business . Although Jackie eventually called back to apologize, that conservation business was likely what tipped the scales in the Mets favor. The temple has to do with some Pharaoh chick named. Some empty cartridges have been found in that building. . It was also commissioned by the first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, around 15 BCE. The Temple of Dendur (Dendoor in the 19th century) is a Roman Egyptian religious structure originally located in Tuzis (later Dendur), Nubia about 80 kilometres (50mi) south of modern Aswan. Considerable confusion in the immediate vicinity. 51 years ago, on April 7, 1961, JFK sought to save Egyptian temples in the Valley of Kings along the Nile River. Drawing byHenry Salt. found itself donating an ancient Egyptian temple to the most Jewish city in the world perhaps outside of Tel Aviv. But as the sunshine broke through the President and Mrs. Kennedy arrived in Dallas to be greeted by a line of local dignitaries. and participated in the dedication of theLyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. Are these actors inserting themselves in a holographic movie of the events involved in the assassination of JFK. [2][7] It was more than a templeit was also a home for the gods. Speaks in a southern accent and he also looks like an actor, though I cannot recall his name. I know he was in another movie with Barbara Streisand. As a matter of fact, we just got the word from our reporters out there at the airport, uh bypassing you just as you were on the air at that last moment that Lyndon B. Johnson has been sworn in as the President of the United States. The Washington Press Corps and newsmen in general were, of course, pressing for some kind of word, some kind of detail. Use your arrow keys to navigate the tabs below, and your tab key to choose an item, Title: However, because the area was flooded, in an attempt to save the historical structures in the area, Egypt gifted the temple to America for its financial aid. I dont care about New York. (Walter Cronkite takes his glasses off and lays them on his desk). These are the films of then Vice President Lyndon Johnson and his wife Lady Byrd Johnson at the Dallas International Airport as they arrived this morning from Fort Worth. . by the Roman governor of Egypt. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 131, Egyptian temples were not simply houses for a cult image but also represented, in their design and decoration, a variety of religious and mythological concepts. Here is a video of Dan Rather who says he was one of the first to see the Zapruder film, 04:00/10:50 Jackie sticking out her tongue. Why?I dont know of course but I think he is either trying to tell us without actually coming out and saying so or he was blackmailing Jackie Kennedy or just observing and playing a game of some strange kind! [1]In recognition of the American assistance in saving various other monuments threatened by the dams construction,Egyptpresented the temple and its gate as a gift to theUnited States of America, represented by among others Jacqueline Kennedy, in 1965., On April 27, 1967, the temple was awarded to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, where it was installed in the Sackler Wing in 1978. He was aNew Dealerin the early days of the New Deal although his politics had turned somewhat more conservative over the recent years. [3] When Nubia became Muslim in the 13th century, the Christian Church was deserted. and he looks like a young Pope Benedict/Putin, and the guy next to him takes on his attributes. The two columns on the porch rise toward the sky like tall bundles of papyrus stalks with lotus blossoms bound with them. Dan Rather knows more than he is letting on and why he would say the last bit about the roses is deceptive. How can buildings reflect the relationship between people and the environment? In 1963 she was invited by the Department of State to choose one of the endangered pieces to be rescued, and she selected the Temple of Dendur, which, after much difficulty, was installed at the Met in 1979. Here is a PDF of an interview of Sarah T. Hughes from the, LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON LIBRARY ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION, (Hughes talking about the oath of office given to LBJ. Is Dan Rather hinting at the meaning of this eventual Coup caused by, lust for power or is he jealous of the huge turnout Kennedy received, The reason I am suspicious is because of the, TheTemple of Dendur(Dendoorin nineteenth century sources) is atemplethat was built by the Roman governor ofEgypt, c, around 15 BC and dedicated toIsis,Osiris, as well as two deified sons of a localNubianchieftain, Pediese (he whom Isis has given) and Pihor (he who belongs toHorus). This warehouse building is located a block from the Houston and Main intersection where the President was shot. [2] However, they restored her lost arm by changing its angle at the elbow. They arraigned not only the building but about a 3 block area around this building which as I say is located directly across from where the President was shot. In 1936 she was elected to the same post. [3] The pronaos north wall depicts Isis. [6], On April 20, 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded the temple to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met). Jacqueline Kennedy hoped that the Temple of Dendur would be housed in Washington, DC, in order to remind people that feelings of the spirit are what prevent wars.2The Smithsonian in DC even proposed to house the temple on the Potomac River, but this proved problematic for preservation. Which of course its not since Lady Bird was given yellow roses so it must have been the car which carried LBJ and his wife! The temple has three rooms; an entrance hall, offering hall, and sanctuary, and the. Franz Christian Gau, "Dendur, interior view of the porch," in Antiquits de la Nubie (Stuttgart, 1822), plate 25b. Date: The pieces arrived on Fifth Avenue in August 1968 and the exhibit opened in September 1978. Photo by Antonio Beato. But on the Zapruder film, Jackie was sitting next to JFK and behind the Connallys. Met Fifth Avenue Highlights Tour, First Floor, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/547802. [5] The commission selected the Met because it had a clear plan to locate and protect the building from the weather, pollutants, and the different environment in the United States. 2023 Cond Nast. This small temple, built about 15 B.C., honored the goddess Isis and, beside her, Pedesi and Pihor, deified sons of a local Nubian ruler.In the first room of the temple, reliefs again show the "pharaoh" praying and offering to the gods, but the relief here is raised from the background so that the figures can be seen easily in the more indirect light. [2][6], The temple has a modest but well-executed design. We will now pause for ten seconds so that our stations may identify themselves.(licks). The Met's collection of ancient Egyptian art consists of approximately 26,000 objects of artistic, historical, and cultural importance, dating from the Paleolithic to the Roman period. Inside the temple, carvings depict Emperor Augustus - a distant nephew of Julius Caesar - with several gods. The latest word on Governor Connally is that he is in serious, but not critical condition. Jackie Kennedy Riding a Camel in Egypt, March 28, 1974 In gratitude for Jackie Kennedy's role in helping to preserve the Abu Simbel site, the President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel-Nasser, presented Jackie Kennedy with an ivory sculpture of an ancient Egyptian barge. This is the rear entrance to the hospital through which the Presidents car was brought. It is as if CBS News is a bit ahead of the witnesses, or was that some sort of a threat, or suggestion, or both? He was literally mobbedas he and Mrs. Kennedy went to that fence railing at Love Field. You look as though you have been crying is that how it struck you first? His energy was prodigious. A pool of water in front of the temple hints at the Nile River, on whose banks it once stood. Mr. Jenkins said that he might have heard before that. Some efforts were made when the Presidential Party first arrived at the hospital to keep pictures from being taken. Whether that is the same plane in which pres uh now President Johnson is returning, we do not know. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that theTime of the Princewould be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul [Pope Paul VI]. We learn now that definitelyMrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson, the new First Lady (takes off glasses) and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy are accompanying President Johnson uh (puts glasses on)back to uh Washington in the Presidential Plane. Maybe all of the above! [2] Archaeologists learned there were entry gates on the north and south walls because remnants matched the surviving pylon, which was to the east of the temple. The Temple of Dendur, as it's called, is completely open to the public, which means visitors can walk through its doors and hallways, experiencing the temple as it was originally used. [5] Roche was a fan of Egyptian architecture and had previously incorporated pyramids into his building designs. There are some of the aides and one or two doctors I believe rushing into the hospital. (licks), Fuselade of shots was a description in the testimony given by Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman. Egypt gave the Temple of Dendur to the United States as a gift to say thank you for the help the United States gave to the project. While Husted was from a socially prominent family, she almost immediately had reservations, as she craved more than a staid life as a New York socialite, according to What Jackie Taught Us. [10], The Temple of Dendur is a modest example of a temple from the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, with roots in earlier Egyptian architectural style. When Jackie Kennedy helped to bring the Temple of Dendur to the Met from Egypt, she conveniently ended up with a view of the temple from her Fifth Avenue apartment at 1040 Fifth through the museum's. All rights reserved. Wilhelm Hammerschmidt (German (born Prussia), ca. But how did the temple get from Egypt to The Met? Temple of Dendur - Virtual Tour. Cool off this summer with an air-conditioned tour of all the water features at The Met Fifth Avenue. while never compromising their values, Graham said.. bring the Gospel into neighborhoods and homes in every corner of America next year., I think Sodomy has many meanings besides the obvious. Were also in direct contact with Dallas Police and the FBI. [6] The commission did not agree. Can you tell me what your first reaction was Maam when you when you? But Dendurs story gets especially dramatic in the late 1950s, when Egypt began preparations for the new Aswan High Dam off the Nile. [3] In 1963, the temple was dismantled and moved from its original location. Frederick Arthur Bridgman (18471928). The Temple of Dendur, Showing the Pylon, 1874. These films were taken slightly less than an hour and a half before President Kennedy was shot and killed in a motorcade in down town Dallas. The Temple of Dendur in its original location. Before Jackie dated JFK, she became engaged to Wall Street businessman John Husted in 1952. He was born in Texas near that Hamlet called Johnson City and the family flag flies there over the LBJ Ranch. He put most Senators in his personal debt by one service or another. I wonder about the remarkable scene, pictured. Augustus (on the right) offers wine to the deities Thoth (center) and Tefnut (left). Four empty cartridges were found in the building which had been arraigned by police. I think it is important. The Aswan Dam would cause partial to total submersion of these historic landmarks during part of each year. Please note that while lively discussion and strong opinions are encouraged, the Museum reserves the right to delete comments that it deems inappropriate for any reason. Due to rights restrictions, this image cannot be enlarged, viewed at full screen, or downloaded. The only carvings in these two rooms are around the door frame leading into the sanctuary and on the back wall of the sanctuary, where a relief depicts Pihor worshiping Isis, and below partly destroyed Pedesi worshiping Osiris. Roman Period, Reign: That statement from former President Eisenhower. [6] The Met's planned to display the temple inside a building where they could replicate Egypt's high temperatures and dry climate that preserved the structure for centuries. The reason was due to concernsabout conservingthe delicate sandstone. [12] As early as 10 BCE, a visitor carved an oath on the north wall of the pronaos near the image of Pihor. The temple of Dendur is a typical design of the Ptolemaic, or Roman, period including a stone pylon, or gate. With the Egyptian government lacking resources to pay for the relocation of the ancient structures, UNESCO launched a fundraising campaign, and the U.S stepped up to the plate. I have been trying to put down a few notes about the life and the nature of Lyndon Baines Johnson the man that our thoughts will be upon very soon. [10], Here is a Time Magazine article link about the Temple of Dendur called, And so it was that theU.A.R. I dont care if the temple crumbles into sand, but I want it to be built in the center of Washington as a memorial to Jack, Hoving recalls Jackie saying. Now why does Dan Rather say nefariously? I guess he doesnt remember who who who he asked previously. Uh he was on the floor of the Senate uh presiding as a matter of fact uh uh uh and the Senate. While she was well-suited for the role due to her degree in French literature, Jackie quit by mid-morning on her first day, reportedly because she thought Vogues female-dominated environment would hinder her chances of meeting the marriage material she was looking for. This morning she was all smiles and very warm in her greetings as was the President. Associate Manager of Circulation and Technical Services Jessica Ranne highlights Watson Library's substantial collection of books on street art. This is the convertible which the President was riding when he was shot. Given to the United States by Egypt in 1965 and awarded to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1967, Accession Number: [12], Some damage was caused in the sixth century when the temple was used as a church in the sixth century. The brothers were probably given the status of gods after they died. Similar to the Abu Simbel sites, this monument also had to be deconstructed and relocated due to the Aswan High Dam. A number of suspects were picked up immediately. Transportation of the Temple of Rameses II colossal statues. acquired a stillness that its never known. Awarded to the Museum by the U.S. Government, 1967. Temple proper: H. 6.40 m (21 ft.); W. 6.40 m (21 ft.); L. 12.50 m (41 ft.); Gate: H. 8.08 m (26.5 ft.); W. 3.66 m (12 ft.); D. 3.35 m (11 ft.), Credit Line: As popular as he was at least at first you would think we would have seen it. Today the structure, the Temple of Dendur, is one of the iconic and most beloved works of art at The Met. It was a song he loved, he loved Camelot. As the word came he dashed from the Senate and is now on route to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts to be with uh his and the late Presidents mother and father, there. My first reaction, sir, is that I hope these Southerners, these radicals, are satisfied of getting their pound of flesh, Are you certain that it is um right wing radicals or or people who oppose the Presidentso desperately. do you think would do something like this? He appears to me to be a boss and seems remorseless, emotionless, and definitely slick. From Egypt, Nubia, Dendur, West bank of the Nile River, 50 miles South of Aswan, Temple proper: H. 6.40 m (21 ft.); W. 6.40 m (21 ft.); L. 12.50 m (41 ft.); Gate: H. 8.08 m (26.5 ft.); W. 3.66 m (12 ft.); D. 3.35 m (11 ft.), Given to the United States by Egypt in 1965 and awarded to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1967, Links to online essays about The Temple of Dendur: Celebrating 50 Years at The Met, The Temple of Dendur: Architecture and Ritual, Color The Temple: Using Projected Light to Restore Color, The Temple of Dendur: From the Nile to NYC in 360. Temple of Dendur, c. 15 BC. Watercolor and graphite on off-white wove paper, 4 7/8 x 7 9/16 in. The two Kennedy children uh both have birthdays next week. [4] However, he only commissioned a few temples in Nubia. It seems fairly possible that that was just some 3 and half hours ago. But the pharaoh shown on the Temple of Dendur was actually not Egyptian at allhe was Roman! The roses that Mrs. Kennedy had carried earlier were on the back seat of the automobile in which the President was shot. 103. that post is linked following: I have digressed quite a bit from the CBS News Coverage which continues further in this post, but I wanted to include what I found for your investigation if interested. I wrote a few articles that demonstrate this oddity and the possibility of another reason for this habit: The Secret Service all during this Texas trip had been allowing photographers and newsmen, local press, as distinguished from the White House news contingent, to work very closely around the President and Mrs. Kennedy. Instead of simply being moved to higher ground, the temple was disassembledand shipped across the ocean in 661 crates aboard the S.S. Concordia Star. The Temple of Dendur. According to some sources, it was Jacqueline Kennedy who urged JFK to convince Congress to approve the $10 million contribution to the cause. All around the hospital the faces of the crowd that gathered told the story. The concert was held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Temple of Dendur, a Egyptian sandstone edifice from about 15 B.C. Untapped New York unearths New York Citys secrets and hidden gems. An email notification will be sent whenever a new post appears on this site. Pedesi wears both a uraeus and a tall crown with ostrich feathers on either side. The plan in Dallas was to go from the airport with aratherslow motorcade so that everyone would have a chance to look, applaud, and take pictures of the President and Mrs. Kennedy. (licks), Walter, you mentioned a short while ago that it was difficult to understand why we have not been appraised of the whereabouts of Lyndon Johnson who will of course uh step up to the Presidency in light of the tragic death today of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Born Prussia ), ca cause partial to total submersion of these historic landmarks during part of year. Watson Library 's substantial collection of books on street art vignette showing Augustus ( on the back seat of New... Jenkins said that he is letting on and why he would say last! Technical Services Jessica Ranne Highlights Watson Library 's substantial collection of books on street art:... The recent years asks the same post several gods helping the man answer his question or is he the!, Caesar Augustus, around 15 BCE symbol of upper Egypt, Nubia, Dendur, showing the Pylon 1874..., carvings depict emperor Augustus - a distant nephew of Julius Caesar - with several gods [ 10 ] pronaos! 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temple of dendur jackie kennedy