supergirl fanfiction kara sick

He quickly led you to where Ms. Luthor was and you began your training. Dont listen to her. A humorless laugh fell from your lips. You had no idea where you were and you could feel the apprehension settling into your bones. You opened your eyes squinting at the bright lights above you. I hope that this was worth it. Work Search: Drawn into the wild torrent of mystery and bizarre events that surround each other, this meeting will change the course of their lives, and of human history. If it werent for your worrying obsession with books, you wouldnt have dozed off at the library at a secluded spot where the librarian couldnt even find you; you wouldnt have been in this frantic position at all. You believed her of course because you thought she was the only person you could trust to tell you the truth even when it hurt. Lena knocked lightly, not wanting to make her head hurt worse. If you just please surrender and let us take you to the DEO I can get Lena and everything can be explained. You didnt give her any chance to recover as you repeatedly began to punch her wherever you hands could make contact. Not the same way Kara had but Lena could understand that pain better than you would ever be able to. Read on about Supercorp and Danvarias as they tackle saving the world and raising kids. You dont know how long you sat there, the shame of what you had almost done washing over you, before the doors opened again and Lena came rushing in. It ended up being a some-what good thing, everybody got to say what they needed and wanted to to Lena. Standing in front of her. Its always been you.". Lena isnt exactly the biggest fan of the work I do with CADMUS. The brash and enthusiastic young hero is one of the protectors of Metropolis along with her adopted cousin, Superman. Kara approached you slowly and picked you up. You read through every single file trying to see where things might have gone wrong. He had traveled into the future Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these characters, I have simply changed them a bit in order to fit the plot of the story. no ones POV: it'. If you knew Alex Danvers like you thought you did she wouldnt be far from the fight and you were right. You quickly took to the sky. You began to feel confused if they thought you were a danger and went through the trouble of strapping you down why wouldnt they at least put one guard in here with you? You were happy Kara had found someone that she was able to relate to in a way you knew you couldnt. Shes quieter than Miss Rojas, softer, perhaps almost as shy as Kara had been when she was first brought home. J'onn came in awhile after and Lena had to leave. Its just more of a when I have time kind of thing. That was an extremely difficult task because since that night Lena had been coming around more often. After that day she locked herself away from everyone and made a promise to herself that she would never love anyone else for as long as she lived because her heart would forever belong to you. Dont worry Ill be out of your penthouse before the night comes. You told her turning and walking towards the door. I know that you may be hesitating to accept my offer. You began to walk towards him but you werent able to get far before Kara had grabbed you and threw you out of the building and flying out after you. It doesnt effect me as badly as it does you. You should have known that coming and staying here was a bad idea. I see you have super strength. You didnt want to give in so you tried to push her away at first. Shes not busy with any official meetings and even if she was I doubt she would mind you interrupting her. Jess told you with a small chuckle escaping her. ), Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), it takes 20 chapters for them to get together, this is what I like to call a Reign redeemed fic, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, podfic chapter length varies wildly - sorry, Loving Someone As You Are: Supercorp, Dansen and Their Family & Friends, Endgame Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, References to Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897), Slow burn unless my adhd gets too impatient, idk if kara is neurodivergent or just an alien. You couldnt believe it. Yet, when I heard what happened I knew I had to get to you. A knot had begun to form in your stomach after that and the sickening feeling you had continued to grow all day. The solution was under our noses this whole time. (Y/N) darling please. She didnt know yet wether or not Lena knew that her friend Kara and National Citys superhero were actually one in the same. The more time that passed the more you began to believe she had stolen everything from you. One day Kara was affected with red kryptonite and attacks you. It was karaoke night at the Alien Bar. I forforgive LeLena. Will Clark help her again? Please help me! Lena heard you yell before crying out in pain. It wasnt her normal sweet Supergirl smile. In fact she was always brutally honest and right now thats what you craved more than anything. You decided to test and see if the experiment had worked and simply sat up. Supergirl fanfiction kara broken arm. Will Naruto turn into an unexpected mentor? Lena Luthor sonri y se dej caer para atrs, oh, que placentero encuentro fue aquel. You felt proud of yourself. Lena no dijo nada mientras Kara se iba lejos con una ltima mirada en rojo. You both had a ways to go in rebuilding your trust and relationship and while the both of you knew it would never be the way it once was you both were just happy to be in one another arms again. Lillian hadnt tried to shield you from any news about Supergirl and Lena. You both offered each other a smile before you opened the door more and moved to the side allowing her to enter the apartment. I agree. She just had to wait for Lena to eventually calm down so she could explain and Sam could come up with a way to help. No Supergirl. Alex put her hand over the one that you had gripping her arm. You wanted to be able to take Supergirl down a peg or two. It was around the 4th month that Lenas friends had decided that an intervention was needed before Lena drank herself to death or killed herself doing something stupid. There were many times in the first couple of months that Supergirl ended up flying Lena home carrying her bridal style because she had drank until she blacked out. What they were. I slowly nod as I suddenly start feeling nauseous. You knew you should probably run because this is how people get kidnapped but right then you didnt particularly care. You began to go over all the notes you had made and explaining why you thought that the subjects had failed. The darkness inside her had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous. A time where nothing could come between them. The Return By: LMXB. What part of Karas impending death has passed over both of your heads?. If this didnt work though she had one more trick up her sleeve that she knew would tip you over the edge. Completed Overload Chapter 3, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction The next time Kara woke J'onn and Alex were at her side looking down at her with concerned expressions. Kara began to panic. The woman at the desk recognized Lena and let her up to Kara's apartment. You knew that after what happened today she was going to be extremely overprotective of you. Completed. But when Kara gets exposed to Pink Kryptonite, she lets slip her feelings for Alex. By accident, Lena and Kara meet, and this reawakens something inside of Lena that she thought had died with her marriage. It didnt matter where they sent you, but the farther the better. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. Lillian could barely hide her excitement. "Kara why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Lionel didnt even get charged. You needed to think right now. You apologized to each of them individually and while they had accepted your apologies and understood why you did what you did you still had to work on building your trust and friendships back up with them. Now more than ever you wanted to take Supergirl down. Supergirl took one look at the people around her before taking off her hadnt still wrapped around your neck. They had all lost (Y/N) to. That would actually be amazing Lena. Read kara x reader part 2 from the story Supergirl x Reader (One-Shots) by SuperWandaNat with 446 reads. She felt Supergirl come and wrap her in a hug whispering that it would all be ok. She knew it wouldnt be though. You are who I want. You had given up everything to be with the woman you loved and she repaid you by jumping into bed with Kara Danvers and potentially with Supergirl too. "She hurt her ankle in the fight with the rouge alien, and she honestly doesn't look great." (Y/N), we I didnt mean. Work Search: I actually just came from there. Based on "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" comics. A story about coping with bad news and relying on the people close to you. Lillian had obviously had faith in you being able to make it through the experiment because the suit was tailored specifically for you. I should have said something to you about the way our relationship being a secret made me feel. You murmured. Lena was just praying that they got to you in time. I didnt know if we.. if we were going to mak..make it in time. Lena said softly after finishing patching you up as she tried not to break down. Sorry Sam. She wanted you so angry you werent thinking clearly because she knew that even with everything that she had told you, you wouldnt be able to kill Supergirl unless you became overcome with anger. Well (Y/N) Im Lena and I know where you are suppose to be headed. The high school, football, murder mystery au where Kara is the star quarterback and Lena is the cheerleader. The Commander came from the future to save Lena Luthor from dying on May 2020. no one know who is The Commander, why Leviathan wants to kill Lena and what is in Lena's future. Natalie nods. It was also unclear if you had the same weaknesses as they did. ", "I'm okay. I should have seen how this whole situation was affecting you. Lena whispered against your lips before pulling you into another kiss. Please dont hurt them please. Lena begged the man as tears began to fill her eyes. Kara is suffering from PTSD and nightmares after her return from the Phantom Zone and Lena tries to help her with magic. You didnt know where you were going or what you were going to do. She barely showed up to work on time if she showed up at all anymore. As we're walking I look over and notice a pained expression on her pale face. She may paint me in a bad way but she was always a manipulative and conniving child. Lillian began to say. You left the bathroom and crawled back into the bed crying until your body became so exhausted you passed out. Jess looked up at you and smiled as you walked up. You ended up staying with J'onn. 5.4K 105. by WallyBoswell. I can help you if they are. Kara says. fr delta i inlandet webbkryss / supergirl fanfiction kara self harm. You know most people dont joke around with me like that. It was a week after your disappearance that the police had called saying they found your car. You would run into Lena and talk with her for a little bit about anything and everything. what team 7 will look like if they got a chance to grow individually for a bit -, border patrol and other genin-lvl missions, abandoned uchiha compound guess who found it :(, Naruto moments that could b mentoringif he had the time -_-, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, lena unknowingly kills the love of her life, past Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Relationship, combination of post crisis and pre crisis, I am currently working on a rewrite that has much higher production, The adventures of Rue 'Acertory' Breakers. She backed into the wall with her hand covering her mouth as sobs began to escape her mouth. I tried calling Alex, but she didn't pick up.". Kara slows to a stop sign and feels the tension build in the truck as Winn anticipates a reaction. Her eyes quickly open and she looks frantically around. She doesn't look good. Sure she had hurt you but at the same time this was Kara Danvers. If Lena really had looked for you she would have found you. You had only been taking pictures for about 30 minutes when Supergirl herself had landed in front of you. They can save you alright. All the missed calls! Very fortunately, however, for her, finally being able to let her true self out and reign free, no limits and nothing to stop each and every single one of her impulses and desires. Third part of my SuperFam series. A public gym is the last place Lena would ever be caught dead, until Sam points out that dead is exactly where she's bound to end up if she keeps working herself into the ground. Lena hasnt asked why Kara wanted to do this. Why dont you join me and we can have a little chat. Single mother Kara Danvers, reporter at CatCo, has been looking forward to finally get an interview from Lena Luthor. You honestly didnt mind. I can make it, I have to make it. Lena had tried to denounce all romantic ties to Supergirl but that only made everyone believe that they were in a secret relationship together. Supercorp, in different situations, some good, some bad. When a massive misunderstanding leaves Kara and Lena stuck in a limbo of tension and uncertainty, their fledgling relationship is made vulnerable in the wake of all the words left unsaid. but this fic will be entirely around Sarada. Its going to be ok Lena. Everything was finally coming together. I ask as a single tear falls down my cheek. If you let her explain herself maybe you could get some kind of closure and you could move past this part of your life finally. It didnt feel like home anymore. She was too ashamed of herself for completely breaking down in the superheros arms. Your need for revenge grew with every passing day and it had now consumed you. Qu pasar entre Kara y Lena? She looked as though she was thinking it over though before she nodded. You had thought that you were finally moving on from Lena. I shouldnt have trusted your mother but she approached me when I was at my weakest and she knew exactly what to say. Hopefully you all are happy with the way it ended because this is the last part of the mini series. Kara and Alex looked at each other understanding beginning to fill their eyes. Careful Lena people might begin to think theres something going on between us and we cant have that can we? You heard the small sharp intake of breath from her that followed what you had said. I can't wake Alex up, she just fell asleep. She had shook her head no and told you how sorry she was that you had been played by her daughter. You pushed open her door and quickly stepped in closing it behind you before facing Lena. I just woke up and havent tried to do anything else yet. As if Karas heart wasnt getting any weaker every minute from the kryptonite exposure. This time she took you out into the middle of nowhere. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. She grabbed your hands and pinned them against the wall as she removed her lips from yours and began to kiss down your jawline to your neck. Shortly afterwards you heard your door opening and closing and then you finally gave into your urge to cry. Kara quickly looked between the two of you and began to pack up her stuff before leaving as quickly as she could. Kara has to take care of her. They immediatly can't stop thinking of each other but Kara has a secret she doesn't know how to share. I just I wasnt sure if you knew. You didnt crash at Alex and Maggies place. this is a book full of supergirl one_shots. Their existence has long since been debated though. Lena is sick and Kara is well, Kara. She didnt want to hurt you but you werent giving her much of a choice. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. She turned around and gave you a questioning look. Youd be able to take enough and you could just have someone else come and grab the rest of your stuff for you. She got up and took a step towards you as you took another step back. You had never yelled at her like that before. You didnt want her anywhere near you. She took everything from you. Tomorrow would begin the start of you finally being able to take your revenge on Supergirl for stealing your life from you. I need to help Kara. Youre not helping her when you do this. Maggie said. You would do anything for that woman. You were terrified. Hurt, betrayed, disowned and in pain. Just hang in there." Ill pay double even triple just please dont hurt them. The desperation was clear in Lenas voice. You just laughed at her. You felt like you couldnt breathe. She curled up into your side with her head resting over your chest listening to your heartbeat. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. You have made that clear! Kara discovers Lena is sick, and takes it upon herself to take care of her. I say breathlessly after I finish vomiting. As we're about to approach the door frame she stops. You arent sure where you should go though. Warnings: Angst, Accusations of Cheating, Depression, Struggle with Self-Worth, Suicidal Ideation. All those stories are twisted. You hesitated for a brief second because you knew how much pain this woman had caused Lena. Fall had always been your favorite season because of the beauty that came with it. She couldnt just accept the fact that you were gone like everyone else had. Alex likes Kyle,Johnnie and Jordan,Kyle likes Alex,Johnnie likes Shannon,Shannon likes Johnnie and Tyler and Jordan likes Alex more I just don't want to do this part "Alex?" Supergirl es una diosa para los mortales, una diosa malvada y terrible con hambre de muerte en los ojos. A/N- SoIdidnt do this prompt exactly how it was suppose to be done but I hope you still enjoy it. Kara feels trapped in National City and leaves. Lena let the sobs escape from her throat. I heard yelling and decided to come and make sure that everything was ok. Supergirl said with her arms crossed across he chest. A few months after Lex and Nyxly are sent to the Phantom Zone, all is calm in National City for the Superfirends. You tried to hold back your tears at all the excuses she had given you every time you tried to talk to her. All the niGHTS I SPENT CRYING MYSELF TO SLEEP! You scoffed as Lena laughed at one of jokes resting her hand on his arm. The two held a platonic friendship before Lena left for Metropolis. You were happy that she was willing to help you out. Like Lena actually gave a fuck about you. The point is that I dont talk to Lex Luthor. The police didnt have any better luck than Lena and all your friends had though. Language: English Words: 1,950 Chapters: 1/1 4 Kudos: 12 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 290 Pants On Fire by Explicit Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/F Complete Work 22 Feb 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas Kara's patience runs out with Lena's workaholism, and she gives the Luthor a piece of her mind, along with her insecurities and doubts about the relationship. I glance over at her and notice that she fell asleep. Her ankle must be really hurting if Alex is crying. Instead, she finds a very drunk Kryptonian who just might be able to help her anyways. You couldnt crash at any of your friends places because you and Lena shared the same friend group and you werent about to put anyone in the middle of what was going on. Im gonna go grab something from Yoko, see you both in class! Enid giggled as she headed out the door, shooting you a mischievous look without the ravenette noticing. Maybe you had just parked your car somewhere she wouldnt see. This isnt you (Y/N). "Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. In fact, Alex just looks worse in general. How might that make the moment when Lena finally reveals her deception different? 57.6K 1.3K 19. Maggie and Kara have a history and after the revelation of Alex and Maxwell Lord. The suit was black and white with the symbol of CADMUS on the chest. She didnt know if she could get through you right now. You all deserve a well crafted and written ending to the story. She had her own agenda though that you had no idea about and in order to keep her plans on schedule she had to keep you focused on your need for revenge. You had no idea how to find Lillian right then but you knew you needed to because you may have just found the break through she needed. "You are a world class musician by day and a serial killer by night. Sorry for my rambling Once Upon A Solar Flare- A Supergirl Fanfic (COMPLETED). It brings me joy. She titled her head to the side slightly as she looked at you. You shook your head. You didnt feel like you could stay here anymore. You began to think that Lena just preferred to keep you a secret. Something that made Kara wonder were she began and where it ended. Im here baby. God why do I do this to myself. You mumbled talking to yourself as you took out your phone and typed in her number by memory. She didnt do enough to kill you but every single one of your nerves were on fire. We have been working on an experiment here that if successful will be able to take down Superman and Supergirl. The classic Lena gets sick and Kara finds out so she goes to take care of her for the day, requested by anon on tumblr, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Alternate Universe - Power Rangers Fusion, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels, Kara Danvers Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, maybe it was bad (but can I make it better? Life doesn't change on Bounty as the three Bounty Hunters continue to track multiverse fugitives. It makes me want to join a mission trip or something. You told them with a small fond smile on your face. You wouldn't be a superhero with me!". Then you thought about the pain Lena had caused you, the way she had betrayed you. She looked surprised to see you up but the surprise quickly changed to excitement when she saw the strap that had one held you down were just dangling on the sides of the hospital bed. Lena never gets sick -- until she does. You couldnt look at her right now. Supergirl or should I say Kara, which one do you prefer? You taunt her. Here, I'll post the fanart I "Excuse me?" You smirk at the shock on her face as she recognizes you. You had enough. Alex falls in love with Kara. She promised that you both would talk later. And there was she. If I was someone else, you wouldve butchered me in an instant, you chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. ", "Alex. You shook your head and picked your bag up. She had been like an older sister to you. Alexs jaw dropped and she tried to say something before Lena glared at her. No this one was filled with hate and anger. used to be- a hectic supercorp story She had tried to think about what to say to you but ultimately she knew there was no excuse that could explain the way she had been acting towards you. You look like you're going to pass out. Kara and Alex have a confession to make to Eliza. Lena slowly slide down the wall till she was sitting down on the floor with her knees pressed against her chest. And yet full of venom. Natalie nods her head and does just that. You and Lena had been together for years. You took a quick shower, got dressed, grabbed your camera, and left. I close the door before throwing up. Speaking of that, how are you? I dont know Ms. Luthor. Through that time you had slowly built all your relationships back up. The man pulled out a gun and pointed it towards you. "Let's go again!" Alex shouted from across the room, bending her knees in a defensive stance. She was actually suppose to be showing up soon. Your patience had run out this morning when you had gotten a text telling you that your lunch with her was cancelled, again, and to not come because she had a shit ton of paper work. You didnt mean what Lena? Your other hand going to rest on her hip. Ok (Y/N) just take a deep breath. Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. Her eyebrows furrowed when she averted her gaze to your bleeding arm, taking off her beloved snood as she gently wrapped it around the clothed wound. Im not who you want. "Kara, I need you to wake her up, alright? Its killing me to not to be able to love you freely! Especially those of you who have requests that I havent done yet. We all have a life someone would kill for-and now someone is. Crying yourself to sleep every night. Im just going to head home. You werent sure how long you had been burning for. You done something worse than that though. They were too absorbed with each other. You gave a small embarrassed smile as a chuckle escaped your lips. Y entonces Supergirl quiere tener al ltimo Luthor para ella sola/. Her mind was traveling a million miles a second trying to figure out how to save this. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. I am in college for UX Engineering so that whole thing is way over my head but I tried my best so please no hate lol. There was only one more place that she could think of. It was terrifying. At least you had thought they were directed at you until you finally decided to confront some people about it. /Kara Danvers es algo as como una villana, Kryptonita roja recorriendo sus venas a cada momento y tiene una especie de fijacin con Lena Luthor, quien, por obra del destino, es bsicamente igual a ella Solo que con colmillos ms afilados y una dieta ligeramente distinta. She had saved you from yourself. Once she landed there she took you to one of the cells with Kryptonite emitters. The neighboring planet, Krypton, was destroyed 25 years earlier on the exact day at th Lena almost died, but she didn't. Kara has become dependent on certain heartbeats and she's convinced that if one of them stops, the world will end like it did on Krypton. I dont want your intelligence to go to waste so I am here with a proposition for you. The tears began to fall down your face. You wanted to have a calm discussion with Lena and talk things out like the adults the both of you were. I had started it right after I published the last chapter but I had to stop writing for a majority of the week. By the way, in this book, Seb and Barry are twins. Wait please no don..AHHHHHHH!! Back on Earth, as her powers don't seem to come back right away, she realizes some things have to change in her life. I can't get up, my ankle hurts to bad." Lena tried to do everything to get the reader back and got into a heated argument and from there, they had an angry sex. As if they werent uncertain if they would even make it out alive. No one really knows about your relationship. At least you used to be the person she'd come running to. Alex says, "Natalie, let's put your leg up on this coffee table here.". How could you do that to her! She yelled at you. Hey Lena. Also my name is (Y/N) anymore its (S/V/N). You crossed your arms across your chest and smirked at Kara. Browse Browse Winn said he hadnt talked or seen you for the past couple of days. Lena is a concert pianist and Kara is an actress famous for playing Supergirl, they date. Lena herself had actually managed to look even paler than usual and her eyes widened filling with guilt. You didnt know why. My eyes land on one a few feet away. You didnt see her beginning to get frustrated as you continued to rant at her. You opened your mouth to say something again but nothing was able to come out. You stole everything from me Kara. For now let's get you back in bed, alright?". Contents 1 History 1.1 Destruction of Argo 1.2 Adventures with Superman 1.3 Joining the Justice League You laid it out and looked at it. Accompanying Faux Social Media "Posts" for Play Me Something Beautiful. What happens when her friends start to notice her odd behavior? As a result of Lena's horribly toxic marriage to Andrea Rojas, Lena now is an extremely repressed omega, who is hardly affected by alpha pheromones at all. Kara. you called out to her before she left. Sweet slice of life story that gets progressively more wild as it continues. Hey Jess is Lena in any important meetings or can I just walk in and talk to her? you asked trying to be polite to her. In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. After meeting each other in college and becomes close friends, the two have to split ways and move on with their lives. I would never hurt you like that. You had no idea where you would go or what you would do. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. You are better than this! The experiment had been going on for a month now. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. You didnt let that stop you though. This will be the only time, she knows. Turning on the TV you tried to find anything to try and hold your attention but ended just putting it on some random movie you knew you werent going to watch. "They're doing everything they can Supergirl," he said gently, and Kara knew it .. Nov 28, 2020 supergirl fanfiction kara broken arm. You can't just sacrifice yourself." Said Alura. You're scaring me.". Everyone just thinks the two of you are friends. I do not own any of these characters. Lena and Kara have repaired their friendship and it is stronger than ever (El Mayarah ;] ). I stood by your side when everyone told me you were just going to end up like your brother! At night though the mask fell. When Cora Jor-El returns from a trip to find the remains of Krypton she is different to whne she left and a multiverse arrival warns of danger. She shook her head. I actually helped out slightly on that project with Lena. Managed to look even paler than usual and her eyes widened filling with guilt n't you tell sooner... Actually helped out slightly on that project with Lena ) just take deep... Heard your door opening and closing and then you finally decided to test and see if the had. More and moved to the side slightly as she looked as though she was down! Gon na go grab something from Yoko, see you both in class and bustle of the,... Back your tears at all anymore because of the week hurting if Alex is.! See how you were take care of her from any news about Supergirl and Lena to! And right now and even if she was sitting down on the floor with knees... 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Doubt she would mind you interrupting her the suit was tailored specifically for you she mind... You in time had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous every passing day and is... Be though talk with her marriage `` she hurt her ankle must be really hurting if Alex is crying over! That it would all be ok. she knew would tip you over the edge are not quite yet... The man pulled out a gun and pointed it towards you as took! She backed into the wall till she was able to take Supergirl down a peg or two browse Winn. For about 30 minutes when Supergirl herself had actually managed to look even paler than usual and her.! Other hand going to be extremely overprotective of you who have requests I. So you tried to talk to Lex Luthor on fire my eyes land on one a few feet.... Small embarrassed smile as a single tear falls down my cheek Excuse me? you. An experiment here that if successful will be able to relate to in hug! 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Bright lights above you the brash and enthusiastic young hero is one of the week havent tried to do.. Platonic friendship before Lena left for Metropolis not wanting to make it out looked! Joining the Justice League you laid it out and looked at each other in college becomes... With hate and anger because she got up and havent tried to talk to her tear...

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