russia ukraine war prediction astrology

These cycles which overlap are useful. We are part of Nato, bet I am worrying about our country. Any insights you could share on what to look out for critical dates/events etc. You have Capricorn factors at 3 through 29 degrees and given that Pluto began moving across 0 Capricorn in 2008 and will only finish at 29 Capricorn in March 2023, your chart has mirrored a very long, slow cycle. You said Putin is finished but when? Your country has seen it all before, though, and in fact there will be new trade deals, agreements and business ventures in 2023 which greatly help. There is literally only this space, until March 2023, for him or any other great dictator to try for the top of the mountain or attempt to hang on. You said it already that this wont become a world war but will the US join the fight against Russia? They tried buying more chips recently but Taiwan didnt sell them because of sanctions. This peaks, as Ive said, when see a perfect storm of cycles coming together at 26, 27 degrees. Once that happens, we have a new country and so we set up a different astrology chart. That is Finland and Sweden. The Emperor does appear to be wearing plate armour and there are rams heads on the throne so is this a symbol of someone war-like. This one is date-stamped, about the crisis with Facebook and Vladimir Putin right now, in March 2022. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Simply the best. In the above chart the Asc rising is Sagittarius at 14.57 degrees. I see Finland has parked tractors in a line as a reminder to Russia that it is the farmers of Ukraine who have defeated Vladimir Putin with agricultural equipment. What you are doing in Poland fits that. Its also going to show Vladimir Putin that people power in a community is potent. Thank you for this article. He using mercenaries and local so called militiaNo Russian will follow those orders because it would result in a Russian collapse. A deluded vain-glory of past empires, the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn? The system (the mountain) and the goats are doomed. 3. Thank you James. I cant remember when I first published a prediction about that, but it may have been 2018. Here are 10 predictions, made with varying degrees of confidence. How that karmic debt is repaid is likely to be through massive shifts in the EU and the Euro economy. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. Scorpio rules sex, death and money. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . Or will things still get far worst and for how long. I believe Vladimir Putin will turn on his heel and retreat once he is confronted with the reality of one or more solid groups; NATO, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the EU. If Finland commits to the Aquarian ideal of brotherhood and sisterhood then the tyrannical individual (Putin) doesnt really have a hope. And we must include Belarus in that, as the most recent astrology chart for Russia includes Belarus, her partner. Thank you again for sharing your gift. Thank you again Jessica. The Emperor is Russia and Vladimir Putin in one symbol. Play more Pussy Riot. You can see that at 35-38 minutes into the video, above. I feel the planet will be here for my precious granddaughters so thank you very much, Do you think the War in Ukraine will last a longtime ? Thats how far the tentacles of Vladimir Putin and corrupt politicians and businessmen spread from London to Sydney. How do we prepare to protect ourselves? Dear Jessica, thank you very much for your quick astrological reaction. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. Where? Out of curiosity, we born in late 1993 will experience this next May exclipse significantly we have pluto 25 scorpio. The Russia-Ukraine war has totally devastated the world. I also used astrology and the Switzerland horoscope to talk about war karma here. Thats really because of the unusual appearance of the North Node in Taurus, but also Uranus in Taurus and eventually Jupiter in Taurus, too. Romania in 1938 was under Carol II and royal autocracy. The next 18 days are crucial for this war. Thank you for the update. Do not be frightened. Germany is on the way to that closure as she is paying a heavy price for her sanctions against Russia, isnt she. So, Poland owes the United Kingdom and France (two of several countries) for going to her defence after Danzig on a spiritual level. You must mean the feature on Russia alone. Russia Ukraine war has started on 24 February 2022 when Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, declared war on Ukraine in a Press conference in the early morning. Thats a heavy moment for NATO, the United Nations and the European Union. Still made mistakes. There is exact karma with Poland in 2022, going back to 1939. Its very reassuring that evil Putin wont win. Both these planets were in the eighth house of the horoscope and were prominent even during the fall of Ukraine's pro-Moscow president. So the issue is not refugees as much as pleasing/making peace with a dictator. Your reply makes so much sense and very much appreciated. Questions about who or what is in charge (who or what dominates) have really tested you, but as you probably know, you are on the way to becoming a new person. Fascinating to read, wonder what you think of Nostradamus (dyslexic?) Why? Your predictions are spot on! For that, we usually expect rare transits in Cancer, which rules nationalism, and we dont have them. In astrology, these events leave really long traces and the Czech people are owed on some level. In regards of the oracle or tarot reading I dont know how to do that. Look at what was happening 18-19 years ago as it is coming back. Is it your belief that crypto will wash out in 2026 as fast as it came in 2018? Again, if she makes moves in that direction, there will be an economic war against her: trade boycott and economic sanctions. You are a Sun Virgo with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, so have a packed Sixth House. Here are two true astrology predictions about Europe and war from this website. You can see all those rich oligarchs on yachts, in this horoscope. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy.. The only reason they won during WW2 is that USA and European countries were helping. Personally, it has been one of the most challenging times of my life; not sure how Ill be able to cope with another prolonged market crisis. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above. Hi Jessica, superb article. Note the eclipse I talk about, though this turned out to be the exact date Ukraine held centre-stage at the United Nations. It feels like this when I visit. I just retired last year. We are basically on the edge right from the start. Later on, of course, Estonia was occupied by Germany. Thank you . World wars come with major transits in Cancer (patriotism, nationalism, global destruction of homes) and this isnt it. Thank you! Thank you for your thoughts Jessica and taking time to look at my chart (19/09/1968 London 9.30 am). The Union State of Russia and Belarus, gives us a perfect chart, and we use London for the birth as it was announced on Wednesday 8th December 1999 at 17.06 GMT (BBC). This is the very last year the world has to put up with it. America and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. The only thing Im worried about is nuclear weapons and we all know by now that Putin is mentally sick and unstable. If this could escalate into World War III. Why? That will happen in a way wherein Mars will portray itself poised to use its own negative energy to fight the ill-effects within and, thus, not impact other planets or houses and their impacts. We needed to get rid of money laundering, tax evasion and fossil fuel. Region, Cross He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. It is spiral, were in. It may even be the same men, reborn. Would be interested in your thoughts on Putins psychology. And so, the economy will transform. So this is a long, slow, reshaping of the part that money and property play in your lives. Fascinating article! Soap (all that hand-washing) and hand gel. So many new beginnings happening in our life with new jobs for both and a move to Hawaii. My husband is retired and earning a pension. Very, very local not global and decided by the region, the village, the town, the city. Predicted in The Daily Mail in their front page cover story about my work, back on 19th October 2020: the end of money laundering is coming. Astrology predicts news headlines before they happen, and this came to pass, as Reuters reported, on Monday 28th February 2022. What do you think about Bulgaria in the light of these events close to us. Now, let us analyse the chart through sidereal method. Will PM Boris Johnson be Neville Chamberlain or Sir Winston Churchill? Thank you Simon. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. We just moved back to America and I am just so disappointed by some peoples ignorance to what is happening to the world. Could you help me understand do you see Latvia role or conflict with Russia here? At the same time we have Uranus (radical change) in Taurus (the economy) just as it was in 1939, when war began. I am a nurse and travel with my work. Thank you for your insight. Russia Vs. US- The US has often hinted at Russias attempts to use trade to tie the hands of the European nations dependent on it for their energy source. Credits. Money laundering is going to end. As per the astrology predictions, on April 5, 2022, In times of such uncertainty, I see myself divided between the countries and responsible for my family. The astrology we are seeing in 2022 is 1938, and it is really about karma from 1938 for Sweden with Germany. In your solar chart you have the North Node transiting your Eighth House. Others found alternative suppliers, such as Egypt which replaced wheat from Ukraine with imports from the European Union and the United States as well as Russia. 2022 and 2023 are hard work. Scanning the ephemeris for other historic (relatively rare) cycles in Taurus and/or Scorpio, the sign which rules mortgages, we find the lunar nodes there in 2022, 2023. This is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring. Who would have thought. Due to this astrological combination, he will be victorious and will certainly achieve his agendas. Later on in 2023 and 2024 you will realise it happened for a reason. Will the government in Poland change and will we still be in the Union? Watch NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN as they are reshaped from March 2023, and these two countries in particular find a new way to be inside them, or outside them. This is already showing up as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. The odd man out is the United Kingdom. Are the next couple of years also dodgy for people with Saturn in Taurus? (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). The tide began to turn two years ago and it will turn in favour of Russians who deserve something better, from March 2023 with a new leadership after that point. Thank you. As for China, I posted a prediction about that country recently and it has just come to pass. I posted this on 4th February, days before Putin invaded Ukraine. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. But even though the major countries of the world, including America, will continue to strive for world peace, all their efforts will prove to be a simple misapprehension. I must say though that, on a personal level, Im now wondering if I should go ahead with buying a car if gas prices are going to skyrocket? As we already know that Ukraine is a former Soviet nation and now wants to become a NATO member (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a group that was created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union expansionist policy. The brave younger Russians who are protesting against Vladimir Putins invasion of Ukraine have time on their side. That Russia astrology chart tells it straight. Jupiter in Taurus is a safety net. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. Its not just the end of him and Trump, by 2023, its also the end of the plutocrats and the fatcats. This is temporary but it will radically change Latvias trade arrangements, shopping, imports and so on. Russia has crashed and will go on crashing, as Uranus at 11 Taurus goes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. This really comes from the American astrology chart, not the Trump chart which is in question, as he gave two entirely different birthdates, to authorities. Call it a detox. Not so much. The reality is that 2022, 2023 is a huge ask for all of us, because the known financial world is turning upside down. What is in the future for America in 2024, 2026 ??? Luck would be on your side then. It depends where it is made. Why? Should I prepare for work with out travel? Mars is indicating that there is a terrible and furious upheaval ongoing in the world right now. I already wrote to you, but I think something went wrong and you didnt received my comment. This is why Hitler was written down as hister. Look across the map. Planet saved. In particular, because it is happening in real-time. 1. In America, there are still so many Trump supporters. More happily, when things are going well, you do incredibly well and make or save a fortune, or experience real abundance through other means. They are also in opposition, so there is tension, difficulty, obstacle-laden challenge. My face is now the colour of the Emperors robes. Astrology is there to help people prepare and its been clear for years that once the lunar nodes went into Taurus-Scorpio along with Uranus in Taurus, that we all needed a full pantry and cupboard. They are packed with potential; you will make or save a fortune by May and again in October-December 2022. The answer to your question actually rests with the next, new, astrological chart we will set up for Ukraine and that depends on the agreement she reaches with the European Union and/or NATO. ! Your country is ancient and has seen it all, survived and thrived. That country wants all their planes back so russians will be cutoff from inside Russia travel! If you do have anything in Taurus in your Second House of money saved and money made, you will gain. This is fascinating ! Petrol/gas is going to be a minefield very shortly. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, back at Christmas 2020, and Pluto in Aquarius will deliver, for many years after March 2023. My eye is also on money laundering in Australia. If we look at the fortnightly chart of Ukraine for 24 February 2022, we see that Mars the planet of war was in the 7th house of war and, thus, triggered the war on that day. So, typically, marriage and mortgage. I wanted to ask, if you can have a look to my chart. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. And he knew. Thank you and I hope to speak about peace very soon! It should turn up on Search. Without that channel you can end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Shells and salt would be a good trade where I live I gather shells on the beach every day. Living in Poland you will see your adopted country take on full responsibility for people leaving Ukraine. The reason for this is the repetition of the North Node and South Node in the economy signs, Taurus and Scorpio, and Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus, which rules currency and trade as well as the whole economy. This was published on 23rd November 2020 on this website. If you were born on 30th June 1964 you are a Sun Cancer person who is almost at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle which began in 2008. An eclipse that covered Florida. New Delhi: Among reactions that poured in on social media over the Russian invasion of Ukraine Thursday, there were some that were especially directed at Astrologically speaking, this has also been one of the causes for the war. You may even decide against NY in the end. I am from Estonia and we are the neighbours of Russia. The quatrain should then be read as butins Saturn and Marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday 5th April 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars at 22 Aquarius. So, although 2022, 2023 is challenging, you would expect all kinds of innovation and invention to come from your generation, by 2026, when the Uranus in Taurus cycle finishes. I am sorry you have felt the hardship of COVID-19 with your consulting business and also the long separation from your family. Thank you. They handled the post-war circumstances at home in 1992 and now in 2022. Very useful insights as usual I follow you regularly on all of your forums and am so grateful for all the valuable info. That is actually what it is all about. Those decisions must stop the dangers of depending on both Russia and China for petrol/gas, coal and manufacturing. But hes a man out of time. Its about government support. Later on, Poland was but even then some countries stayed neutral (Switzerland) or did not rush to assist (America). It is still changing shape. The rare conjunction is Pluto in Capricorn transiting her natal Venus. Taurus-Scorpio weather. As the UK Defence Minister said, he is going full tonto. As per Mundane Astrology, if Lagan (1st house) and the 7th house are under the influence of Rahu-Ketu, then the severity of war will be limited and there are chances that the full-fledged war may get reduced to some clashes and, probably, some mutual understanding or some mid-course resolution of the situation may become possible. Why is that? If we pull back to the bigger astrological picture of the Twenties then it is about a radical change in the world economy by 2026. In the annual horoscope, we see a planet conjunction in the 4th house in Capricorn, Rahu in Taurus in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house. The sanctions against the Putin regime, the oligarchs and Russian business will have ongoing impact in all kinds of ways. You dont usually see a cover-up unless there is a crisis. Only meeting world leaders across a ridiculously large and ostentatious table for pretend peace negotiations. It is economically disastrous and that does not change. In the global market, the war will hit various things, including oil, gold, commodity, and the stock market. Im heartbroken over Ukraine, especially after todays news from Bucha. I presume this is done to spook NATO but he might just mean it. The key to it is the shockwaves that come, throughout this long cycle as it goes up, down, sideways and is sometimes banned, of course. As the world has been a witness, Russian economy has come to a standstill. Russias thirst to become the energy giant- Russia is the third-largest producer of oil and the second-largest producer of natural gas in the world. My sensitivity and empathy pisses me off. How May 6th 2022 is a time of reckoning for Boris Johnson in astrology using his birth horoscope ran the Twitter post. Mercury at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is hit by an eclipse at 25 Scorpio (a Full Moon) on Monday 16th May 2022. Norway is always protected, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank goodness. The ultimate decision is yours; there are free Tarot card readings on this website to help you navigate. How about me and my family in particular, now that I have a baby boy and are in the process of buying a new home? Im from Eastern Europe with Ukrainian and Russian roots living in US now. This article presents an astrological insight into why Russia has attacked Ukraine and tries to predict the end of the war. It began at Christmas 2020, goes on and becomes stronger from 2023. I am not sure where Canada sources everything from, although I should, as my cousin lives there. I was so looking forward to this as I helplessly watch the terrible situation happening in the Ukraine and feel so terrified and sad for these people just trying to live their lives. That was a game-changer. It is not a circle. Watch the Kremlin insider Kylushin in relation to the 2016 hacked American election. The Russian economy will be severely tested on the following critical dates, as transiting Uranus in Taurus, the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio repeatedly hit that 1999 chart. Its about pensions/superannuation. What the possible period for the end of war should be. This was when the actual problem started. I have the feeling Putins demise will come from inside Russia rather than externally. Although neither of us has Russian or Ukrainian connections, we both have factors that are hit by the aspects you mentioned above. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Now, all these years later, America is making economic sacrifices to stop the war on Ukraine. April and May will be erratic. Every possible scenario should be factored in, including a fake Russian departure and return. Once you realise that is actually the real story, you can see that war in Ukraine will last for as long as it takes for the end of money laundering and petrol/gas to take place. My Leo husband has his ascendant 11 Scorpio and desc 11 Taurus, Mars 03 Taurus, Juno 07 sag and other factors at same degrees though different signs (bacchus 23 cancer, cupido 08 Capricorn) and I have moon and Hygeia 10 Taurus and you can see the other factors (Diana 01 Taurus etc). I strongly recommend you use The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle if you want to time your moves. Ukraine will join the EU. Something that we can certainly see is the Russia-Belarus chart. However are you warning us about global financial crashes other than Russian stock markets? The real problem for Putin, though, is Saturn at 11 Taurus in that 1999 chart. Hi, I am a brazilian (Aug 5th 1989 7:30 am Belo Horizonte) living in Poland. Cait, Chiron in Pisces is actually about getting away with the so-called impossible, as a psychic. The article provides hope in dark times. Not just once. From 2026 well look back at 2022 as if its old history. It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. The ultimate result of all this? Sanctions being imposed on Russia after its aggressive action in Ukraine will be problematic for the European countries solely dependent on Russia for energy needs. Yes, the bigger picture is always shown by the very slow-moving outer planets. Any advice/timelines appreciated. All rights reserved. This is what will cause attack to the capital Kiev and other parts with great loss of military resources and structures (Ke). Thoughts on creativity, writing career. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. 1. Thank you. A point-by-point comparison of the respective horoscopes of Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy is then made. The True South Node is at 11 Scorpio, then, in an exact opposition to Russias difficult, heavy, fated Saturn. A bad yoga (Khapper) will be forming in the coming month, and because of that, people will migrate to another place. I am also going through a difficult time in my life. seeds of the people power future. Women in charge, helps any group find more power and control, from March 2023, as they take their place alongside men. From that year, you also find transport and travel radically change in America, as the switch to electric/shared transport begins. We usually put these things behind us because nobody wants to keep going back to The Dieppe Raid and other Canadian losses from the war; its too hard. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these matters will be making it worse no doubt. We do not have reliable data for Vladimir Putin. The situation that will prevail during this conflict. Hello Jessica, Youve written many times about the importance of the U.N. historically and in current events. Thank you so much Jessica. India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. 2 min read . Thank you. Switzerland has balanced some karma from 1938 which is incredible to see: that neutrality which helped the Nazis so much in 1938, 1939 is no longer going to work in 2022, 2023 now that the same cycles are back. We are trying our best to help people from Ukraine, not even the government but a lot of people provide them with shelter, money, food and other resources. Several times. Thank you. Anything that was safe before 2018 is no longer that. Transits in Cancer ( patriotism, nationalism, and we are part of NATO, the picture... Their planes back so Russians will be making it worse no doubt there are still so many new happening. To talk about war karma here that, we usually expect rare in... In Tasmania, Australia and edits the Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, new and... Many times about the importance of the Oracle or Tarot reading I dont know how do! Beach every day about getting away with the so-called impossible, as she has Jupiter in?. 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russia ukraine war prediction astrology