kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

If you return the box to Motta at the swoop track in Tatooine, he'll give you 2,000 credits for your trouble. The primary new features of KOTOR2 include: Into this shaky situation steps you, a former Jedi who has given up all attachment to the Force. If you can get on his good side, the leader will tell you a bit about the planet, and even hint at the presence of a lone human in the Shadowlands. You convince Shen to break off the relationship, and both children return to their fathers. When you reach Janos' office, speak to him for a bit of information about the slaving operations that Czerka runs on Kashyyyk, and be sure to look at the caged Wookiee off to one side to stoke your righteous indignation a bit. By Landon Sommer. To the north of this room is a computer terminal that you can use to scope out the base via security cams, unlock all of the locked doors, or get a map uploaded. Kill it, then take the lift down to the lower level of the base. If you take out one group of foes, another will magically appear behind you; destroy that group, and another appears immediately afterwards. Many of these items are available for purchase from various vendors at exorbitant prices. Your characters are much better off when coordinating their attacks on a single powerful foe than by splitting up and attacking whomever the computer chooses for them to fight. You'll eventually reach the bridge, where Trask will prevent you from opening the door unless you equip a melee weapon. Dexterity is likely going to be the primary attribute for most players, since a high dexterity modifier affects your attack rolls with both ranged weapons and, oddly enough, lightsabers. B-4D4 assured them that he would not do such a thing, though whether he meant it or not is unknown. After you land, pester the mechanic on the docking platform for a bit of background information about Korriban and the Sith Academy. During your conversation, you'll convince him to let you download the incriminating data you need while he goes postal on the Czerka guards. Stunner! He shouldnt be too hard to beat. Yuka will refuse to let him go for less than 4,000 credits, so exit out of the conversation afterwards and speak to HK-47, the droid in question. After your initial interrogations, HK will reveal that some of his primary memory functions have been obscured from him, perhaps from physical damage. Removes all ranks of speed, aura, valor, energy Resistance, and Force resistance. You'll get a bit of financial compensation either way. Once they fall, head out to the bridge storage. Once you track them down, you can, as always, kill them or help them. Every time your Jedi is attacked with a ranged blaster attack, he or she will have a chance to deflect the blaster shot, or even reflect it back at the attacker (which you'll no doubt discover if you ever attempt to use a blaster rifle to take on a Dark Jedi master). Malak will fall eventually. This quest doesn't involve Force attunement adjustments; screwing it up will only convince Bolook of your incompetence. You'll still be able to use them, sure, but you'll be hitting a significant Force point penalty every time you do so when compared to comparably priced powers from the Light side of the Force. Change 1 value and try to run the game before making all changes i list below. If you sided with Bastila, Carth acts like a baby after being told of the little plot twist. 5) Cantina Come back here once you have your stuff back. Note that the use of a 'balanced' weapon in your off-hand slot can reduce the attack penalty of your main-hand weapon, so be on the lookout for balanced swords and pistols during your travels. What the lthorians are trying t do is nobIe but not th best option hre. He was the assistant to Jana Lorso and usually served as a greeter for visitors of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. The Taris race is deliberately easy, and quite difficult to lose, especially since you have multiple heats to attempt to get the best score. Return to the surface (being sure to use the northern pressure door in this map; it's a shortcut back to Hrakert station) for dressing-down from Roland, and your reward. I am on the quest where you get into the Czerka Mainframe on the first planet, but I can't do anything, I killed both the rebel and real exchange leader and helped the ithorians . There's only one path to the south (if you head west, you'll be rewarded with two average frag mines in a footlocker, so skip it), so follow your mercenary companion that way. Tell him youre here to see Jana Lorso. Unfortunately, only Sith Academy members are allowed access to the excavations. As per usual, explore the area as you see fit; there is quite a lot of treasure hidden away in footlockers throughout Davik's mansion, though some of it is behind locked doors. Once you are finally able to communicate, you can either kick her off the ship immediately for a Dark side hit or bring her back to Dantooine, where the Twi'lek at the starport will take her home, giving you a Light side shift (yay!). 7) Batono This is a bounty quest that you receive from Lt. Grenn and youll find his location from Chodo Habat, the Ithorian. If you wait too long to shift, however, you'll essentially be giving away speed to your competitors. After you have completed enough of these quests to sufficiently impress Uthar, he'll congratulate you and let you know that you've won. Once you gain 10 levels or so, and gain bonuses to your strength through implants or other items, you will stand a much better chance of incapacitating opponents. Roland won't reveal why they've been hiring mercenaries until after you infiltrate the Sith base for him; once that's done, he'll fill you in on the details. After you achieve victory, a short cutscene plays out with Brejik and Bastila, culminating in a fight between yourself and a few of the Black Vulkars. Luckily you're some kind of linguistic super-genius, as are most of your party members, because you can learn her pidgin language in a few minutes, after a process of hearing her speak and guessing what the words that she says mean. You can also talk to Iziz by the gates to finish off the Fair Trade quest, assuming you rescued the Jawas. Charisma and wisdom aren't exactly created equal, though, especially for characters that intend to use Force powers as their prime means of affecting the game world and their enemies. Your first mission will be to eliminate either of two targets, with one conveniently located in the Republic Embassy right across the way from where Hulas is standing. Assuming you gain a normal amount of experience on Taris, your new Jedi will start out as a level four soldier / level five Jedi guardian (or whichever class you pick), instead of a level eight soldier / level one guardian. If you're used to pre-made characters, such as are found in most console RPGs, by all means select a quick character and jump directly into the game; they're not handicapped at all when compared to a custom character. Afterwards, head back to Jolee, but un-equip one of your party members before you do, keeping in mind that Jolee will be a required member for a bit. Unfortunately, they're guarded by undetectable poison mines. If you follow the advice from the datapad, you'll learn that the correct route is to follow an H pattern, and thus you'll find the solution to be, from the perspective of the door that you came through: After passing through the puzzle room, you'll gain access to a Rakata computer, which can unlock the doors to the upper level for you. Two-weapon fighting gives you the opportunity to wield a weapon in each of your hands with a reduction to the normal penalty. Or, that is, attempt to speak to him; he rather curtly asks you to leave once after you begin asking him about Shen's disappearance. Now, with that lengthy lemma out of the way, let's proceed to an explanation of the Jedi classes. As such, your human character will be able to droidishly override the default programming of computers you encounter along your adventure, provided you have the skill necessary to use the computer 'spikes' which act as disposable hacking tools. To begin with, his base attack bonus is +20, to which he adds +3 from master dueling, +1 from lightsaber focus, and his Strength mod of +9 (holy mackerel!). You can also blackmail the alien Czerka technician (the guy who gives you his credentials) and get 25 credits from him. If you haven't encountered Calo Nord since escaping Taris then he'll await you by the campfire in the south of this clearing, ambushing you immediately upon arrival; Darth Bandon does likewise at a later stage in your quest for the Star Forge. There are few enough viable strategies we can offer to help you through this. Go to the Swoop Registration offices in Ahto East to meet up with Vek, Ithorak's majordomo. Afterwards, you can attempt to turn Mekel to the Light side. Guardians are not as strong in the Force as the other Jedi classes, but are much more powerful when it comes to wielding a lightsaber, and are more physically resilient as well. There's a massive horde of Rakghouls guarding some bodies to the northwest of the city; one of these is Rakil's apprentice. Once he runs out of Force points, he's an easy mark. If you choose the wrong sword, or anger Ajunta during your dialogues, he'll attack you. The best combination of Force powers in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Force wave. Saul is guarded by two Dark Jedi and four Sith troopers scattered around the bridge. Salvage its head, then bring it back to Matton. You can continue to hack until you unlock the door that Carth and Bastila are behind, or just pick up the key from the footlocker in the (now empty) barracks. The tracks look a lot different at high speed, though, so run them as fast as you can for a dozen repetitions or so, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the course. The attack number, which is displayed on your character's equipment screen, depends on a number of factors, including a character's level and class, their dexterity attribute, the type of weapon used, and what special feats you've selected. If you decide to help the Tuskans (you'll probably want to use the handy map screen warping tool to jump back to Anchorhead), you'll find that the Czerka protocol officer isn't very interested in your nonviolent solution to the Tuskan problem. Proceed farther south from this point to find the Sith trooper's body with the Rakghoul serum on it. Note that this quest must be completed before you finish the Sandral-Matale Feud side quest. Run over to Chodos office and take down all the mercenaries. Habat then allowed B-4D4 to leave. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. After that, however, when you gain enough experience to advance one level, you leave him as a level four character, thus delaying the level-up, saving it until you get off of Taris and become a Jedi, when you can pile all of those saved levels into your new Jedi class. If you choose to create a quick character, your attributes will be distributed automatically, but if you wish to create a custom character, you'll be able to choose all of your vital statistics individually using a pay-for-points system. Go on to explain that both men are guilty, because Handon held a grudge against the dead man for sleeping with his wife. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, install this mod first, then install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance and the compatibility patch included in the Atton romance mod. If your character is using a ranged weapon, any enemy that attacks you with a melee weapon will get an automatic +10 bonus to their attack roll, meaning that they'll almost always hit you. This semi-retired Jedi consular is found on Kashyyyk, and will lend his mastery of the Force to your cause after you pick him up from that planet's jungle floor. It will take some time after you first meet Mission to reach the terminus of her story, which comes when she continually insists that the search for Griff won't interfere with your mission. Before you follow Bastila to the Jedi Council, speak with the Twi'lek in the courtyard to learn of a missing girl, apparently captured during a Mandalorian raid some time ago. Even if you refuse his reward, he'll push it on you (1,000 credits), but, of course, you can pressure him for more if you wish to obtain more Dark side points. When a Jedi decides to instigate battle, the results are usually something their opponent will remember for awhile. Method #1: The first, and perhaps most obscure method of obtaining the required Sith uniform, is found in the Cantina, which is located directly north of the exit from the South Apartments. If you threaten to tell the Sith about it, you can force Zelka to hand over 100 credits, and earn some points towards the Dark side. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/01/03/the-fixer-how-to-restore-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/. You'll need to follow along the main plot on Tatooine, involving the Czerka's attempts to rid themselves of the Tuskans, in order to free Griff. Luckily for you, the Sith troopers on the Endar Spire are completely inept; they have a huge penalty to both their attack and defense, so you shouldn't have too much trouble with them. Another small skirmish follows, but this time Bastila comes to rescue you after you're irrevocably stunned by Malak. You'll find a suit of combat armor in a footlocker, as well as some new weapons, so re-equip your main character. Unfortunately, Holdan couldn't take such a spurning lightly: he decided to place a death mark on her head, and now she fears for her safety and refuses to leave her rooms. The number of skills characters get to choose depends on their class, as well as their intelligence modifier. If you missed the East Dune Sea map, either due to not asking the Chieftain about the Star Map, or because you killed him, Iziz will give you a copy of it, so head back out to the vicious wastes and proceed to the East Dune Sea, making sure you have some bantha fodder in your inventory before you do so. Head around to the side entrance and proceed back into the compound. After he's dead, check Calo's body for an excellent set of armor. If you do make your primary character into a soldier, you'll want to make sure that you keep an NPC with excellent security skills in your party, if only to make it easier to get through locked doors. For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier. Note that, even on regular hits, he will usually do enough damage to take him over the limit of your energy shield, so that you will take at least a bit of damage from every shot. The latter fact was discovered by Meetra Surik during her forced stay on Citadel Station. This feat is cumulative, so if you achieve the third rank, you can use level one, two, or three implants. The value after the slash normally represents the kind of weapon that can overcome the damage resistance, but, for the purposes of KOTOR, you won't have to worry about your DR being overcome. Any one of these decisions will result in a small shift in alignment, towards either the Light side or Dark side of the Force; this alignment will affect such things as the cost of your Force powers, what equipment you can use, and, most importantly, how the ending of the game plays itself out. If you wish to wrap up your Promised Land quest, grab the other journal and head back to the settlement; otherwise, go to the force field-protected base entrance and Mission will gain your party access. For now, though, bring the blade back to Freyyr, assuming you didn't kill him earlier. Visit the Bumani Exchange in Residential 082 East and this time you should be able to get in. The Assualt class brings the single best ability in the game at its first level. If you're siding with the Ithorians you can ask Chodo Habat to cover the credit cost of the debt for you in order to get the credentials. Once you're there, have HK-47 talk to the guard at the gate; you'll be escorted inside and given another audience with the Chieftain. He'll usually stay right on top of you, but he will occasionally pause to use a Force power like Force breach. Anyway, your party is now in the southeastern corner of the map, hopefully calm, cool, and fully recharged. Another place of interest is the swoop registration office, where you can speak to Motta the Hutt to pick up the Signing Nico side quest, or sign up for some races of your own. You won't have any choice but to accept Chuundar's quest. If you're a Light Jedi, you should attempt to talk Zaalbar into attempting to compromise between Chuundar and Freyyr. The strength modifier would still be applied to the damage rolled, however. Head that way once you're ready to begin the endgame, but be forewarned: you won't be able to return to any of the planets you've previously visited once you've made your choice. For the Light Side path youll want to take up the quest with the Ithorians, but first you need to get your stuff back. All of the cinematics still play too. You can give him one of the false swords, or force him into a fight and kill him. KotOR 2: Czerka Mainframe Room Early - YouTube Skips the droid movement section Skips the droid movement section AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy &. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Download Th Incriminating During your convrsation, youll convinc him to Iet you download th incriminating data yu need while h goes postal n the Czerka gurds. They'll discuss the situation, and send you away while they deliberate, only to call you back the next morning. There is a guy (who gets blackmailed by the exchange) in one of the rooms at the far end of one of the habitats, who sells droid parts. A piece of body armor cannot be used by a character unless they have a proficiency for armor of that weight class. Once they're all dead, take the commander's excellent equipment and head back to the Grrrwahrr for your quest experience. Save your game at the start of the ensuing battle with Darth Malak; despite your best efforts, you might still die during this duel. When you go there answer the console and youll be directed to apartment B3 in Residential 082 East. Take its health down, and then you'll either be able to put a frag mine in Vorn's sandspeeder, or reprogram the droid to help you track him down. After all three of the targets are dead, head back to Hulas for your rewards: a Genoharadan stealth unit (+8 to Stealth), a Genoharadan visor (Reflex Saves +3, Awareness +4, Demolitions +2), and the true prize, a set of Genoharadan power gloves (+4 to Strength). Even after their shields fall, the droids have resistances to most forms of attack, so you'll want to stick with the ion guns until they die. Selven's hiding out in the northwestern apartments in the Lower City. Someone will come in to kill you. Once you find the holocron, bring it back to Helena in the cantina. That isn't to say he's not a good character to have along in a fight; he deals decent damage with his pistols, since he gets two attacks per round, and his soldier vitality will help him last a bit longer against the tougher opponents you meet. If, on the other hand, you've already found the serum, you can give him a dose to gain some Light side points. A little droid T1-N1 is here. One thing you can do to shorten the fight is to rapidly press the fire button (A) right as the mini-game starts up; most of the fighters will be flying straight and low overhead during this time, so you'll have a good chance of taking down two or three of them immediately. Step out onto the roof of the Temple to meet with Bastila. When her vitality drops to around half of her meter, Bastila will stop fighting for the moment and offer you the last critical choice of the game. That saving throw, however, is checked against a DC that consists of the attacker's experience level plus the attacker's strength modifier, so at low levels, you won't stun an opponent more than 1 time out of three at best. Once you talk to Uthar again, you'll be whisked off to the Tomb of Naga Sadow. This is Deck 2, now; not Deck 1. Once you hit the third rank, especially, you will be able to essentially replace your regular attack with a queue full of flurries. If you get lucky and begin a game with a few low cards, you'll find that the computer will always stay on an 18 or better, and will usually play a card in order to hit 19 or 20. Head back up the ramp towards the Ebon Hawk. Now that she's gone, you'll be able to access her terminal behind the desk. Every time you pass through an enemy's line of sight, that enemy will have the opportunity to make an awareness check; if it succeeds, you can expect to find yourself in the crosshairs within seconds. Unfortunately, you won't be able to drop him off at the shrink's and get him out of your hair; you are, for better or for worse, his ad hoc counselor during your voyage, and he explains in (eventually) meticulous detail the genesis of his untrusting nature. If not, at least your friends won't be affected, and you'll be able to retreat behind them and hopefully not get killed. Once you have your Medallion, you can talk to some of the other prospective Sith to tease them about it, or just talk to Yuthura to gain access to the Academy. The second involves a confrontation with a group of Sith apprentices. Check his body for a set of unique light armor (which should've prevented him from using death field), 3,000 credits, and a double-bladed lightsaber. Step through the door, kill the energy-shielded Vulkars, and proceed to the Vulkar base. Since you managed to find the Dark Jedi Master's datapad, you'll not have to worry too much about your indiscretions. You'll eventually need to trade him your Sith uniform for a set of Sith papers that will allow you access to the Undercity, since he believes that a Twi'lek named Mission Vao will help you get the accelerator. Once you're done with that little run-in, take someone with a high security score and bust open the footlocker on the dock; there's an interface visor inside that's worth having, since it adds four to demolitions, computer use, and security. 2) Information Console Use the console to download the area map or for fast travel. Run towards them a bit, to ensure that the reinforcements arrive, then throw a frag grenade at one of the soldiers in the middle of the group; this should take out most of them and severely weaken the survivors. You should interrogate the computer for all the information you can get, if only so you have more of the backstory. On the flip side, Light side Jedi will burn fewer Force points when using a Light side power than would a neutral or Dark Jedi. The one exception to this smorgasbord of Star Wars genre-mining has been the role-playing game, which is odd, considering both that role-playing games have a deep fan base, and that Star Wars, with its richly imagined universe and compelling sci-fi archetypes, seems like a natural choice to be the basis for such a game. Fortunately, they never use it on your party, but they'll still attack en masse once you speak to the sandcrawler's captain, in three waves of four raiders apiece. Jolee and Juhani are mildly alarmed by this turn of events, so kill them. You'll need to follow him, but you'll have to skirt the main room, which is locked, and enter from the rear door. You won't deal any extra damage, but you will last longer in battle and will be able to more easily strike your opponents. Go back outside and enter right room #1. Head west to run into the sharks, which BioWare, apparently feeling miffed at Sid Meier, have named 'firaxa'. Guess what you have to do next? He's been trying to make his way as a swoop racer, but has had a hard time of it, due to the fact that his swoop bike just doesn't seem to be able to compete with the big boys. Whether you help them or destroy them, however, you'll want to fight through the terentatek anyway, since you'll find the bodies of the two other Jedi sent to kill the beasts to the north of its position, along with the incredible Qel-Droma Robes, which only a Light side Jedi can use. Have no fear, though, because you can rather easily manipulate the machinery to your own ends. Upon leaving the enclave, you'll run across a Republic officer recruiting a mercenary. (This is due to the fact that enemies with melee weapons will get a +10 bonus to their attack rolls if you are equipped with a blaster.) You'll meet Nico in the swoop offices in Anchorhead; he and Motta have an uneasy relationship, due to Motta's attempts to pressure Nico into signing a contract that's financially weighted towards rewarding Motta for Nico's skills. In order to properly use mines, then, you'll need to: be able to spot your enemies from a distance away (or have died and reloaded, and thus know where they are or which door they're behind); go into solo mode and plant the mines with your other party members far enough away so that they don't spot the enemy and go hostile; get one of the enemies to spot you; then run back across the mines and wait for your foes to blow themselves up. Demand more of a reward for an extra Dark side hit. Run across a Republic officer recruiting a mercenary with his wife would still be applied the... Most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Resistance. 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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase