expository sermon on psalm 42

For you do not doubt of your God. 9 ). When disturbing things happen, when troubling words are said, when certain letters contain ugly words or extremely critical comments are read, the churning starts. Take all the parts of a sermon and put them together into a whole, and that whole is the central idea-the big idea-in the sermon. As water from a brook sustains a deer physically, so God Himself sustains people spiritually (cf. Why sons of Korah? The enemy is called a "loveless nation." For we find in the hart an emblem of swiftness. Accept that we may need to make effort. 17. It has been much disputed whether its proper signification is active (one who shows lovingkindness) or passive (one who receives it). The "soul" is the seat of emotions and desires. Weve got to preach it to ourselves, and preach diligently and forcefully, or well give way to a downcast and disquieted spirit. This too proceeds from that longing, of which in another place comes that cry, One thing have I desired of the Lord; that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. The "soul" is feminine in Hebrew, and is here compared to the female deer, for "pants" is the feminine form of the verb, though its noun is masculine. That which does must be living. (vv. In this stanza the writer focused on his enemies rather than on God. For God's tabernacle on earth is the faithful; I admire in them the obedience of even their bodily members: that in them Sin does not reign so that they should obey its lusts; neither do they yield their members instruments of unrighteousness unto sin; but unto the living God in good works. For there is a depth, a profound, the bottom of which cannot be reached by sounding. "Mercy and truth are met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other" ( Psalm 85:10 ). PSALM 42 2. All of the psalms in Book 2 have a title assigned to them except psalm 43, making it more likely that it . So, let me invite you to take your copy of Gods Word and turn to Psalm 42. Mistaking the desire for religion and religious practices for a desire for God. They who trouble me cast me in the teeth. Decisions made according to Scripture yield peace - Psalm 119:101 B. This morning, I want to quickly offer us (be me, specifically) some hope when dealing with discouragement. Deep calls to deep with the voice of Your water-spouts. This psalm is the fourth and last psalm in the Psalms of Ascent that is attributed to King David. By the Unchangeable it was revived; it is by the changeable it is disquieted. When shall I come and appear before God? I know that the righteousness of God remains; whether my own will remain steadfast, I know not. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. she must be up to something. My soul is disquieted on account of myself Psalm 41:6. I will not fear . Perhaps avarice whispers in your ear some dark counsel, hisses against the word of God, hisses against the commandment of God. As for your fatigue in hearing, I am not greatly solicitous, since you see me also, who speak, toiling in the heat of these exertions. the heights of Hermon from Mount Mizar. He designed us that way. Esther 3:7-15 - The First PLO. The serpents are your vices, destroy the serpents of iniquity; then will you long yet more for the Fountain of Truth. 1. Why have You rejected me? EXPOSITORY (ENGLISH BIBLE) . This I make my business here; I who am the hart thirsting and longing for the water-brooks, calling to mind the sweetness of that strain, by which I was led on through the tabernacle even to the house of God; while this corruptible body presses down the soul, Wisdom9:15 there is yet with me prayer unto the God of my life. The deer that doesnt mind a sip or two of water if it happens to come their way or it isnt too inconvenient to look for it. God means for these encounters with Him in corporate worship to preserve your faith now and in the way you remember them later. 1-10 and (2) vv. How does he solve it? Second, in the midst of his discouragement, he affirms God's sovereign love for him. When David came to the throne, one of his first thoughts was how he could show mercy to the household of his adversary Saul ( 2 Sam. Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. The stimulus serves for a moment; but once more courage fails, and once more, at yet greater length and with yet sadder tones, plaints and longings are wailed forth. Why then does Korah stand for Christ? 1 As the deer pants for streams of water. I seek my God in every corporeal nature, terrestrial or celestial, and find Him not: I seek His Substance in my own soul, and I find it not, yet still I have thought on these things, and wishing to see the invisible things of my God, being understood by the things made, Romans1:20 I have poured forth my soul above myself, and there remains no longer any being for me to attain to, save my God. 14. For it is there, in the sanctuary of God, in the house of God, is the fountain of understanding. Just as if his soul was silently replying to him, Why do I disquiet you, but because I am not yet there, where that delight is, to which I was, as it were, rapt for a moment? The deer that knows its thirsty but has given up on trying to find a nice, cool stream thats always full of running water. Let them still say, Where is your God? He has fixed forever and made melodious a sigh. (NLT) Psalm 63: 1-5 - O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. (1) There are a number of ancient manuscripts that have both of these psalms as just one continuous psalm. So rather than prepare a sermon, I simply wrote a letter. So cried our Head also, as if speaking in our name. What sacrifice of a troubled spirit I have within, hear. I will say unto God, You are my lifter up. The imagery of floods lifting up their voices, and cataracts sounding as they fall, and breaking waves rolling over the half-drowned psalmist has been supposed to be suggested by the scenery in which he was; but the rushing noise of Jordan in its rocky bed seems scarcely enough to deserve being described as "flood calling to flood," and "breakers and rollers" is an exaggeration if applied to any commotion possible on such a stream. Grief which finds no fresh words is beginning to dry up. Why, that the wicked, when reprieved here, are reserved for punishments without end; and the good when they suffer here, are being tried in order that they may in the end obtain the inheritance. Oh, how much could be said here about the importance of corporate worship in our lives. Therefore follows: The Lord will commend His loving-kindness in the day-time; and in the night-time will He declare it Psalm 41:8. silence is not always golden. In preparing an article on the above topic the writer is ex-plicitly informed that what is required is t"not an expository sermon," nor " an outline of an expository sermon, but di- It may have been so, but the supposition is unnecessary. Feel guilty about feeling cut-off. John 4:14). This conflict of opposite emotions is the characteristic of the second part of the psalm, while that of the first part is an all but unrelieved predominance of gloom, and that of the third an all but undisputed victory of sunshine. He is the health of my countenance, and my God. Furthermore, it is said in a certain passage, Your judgments are a mighty abyss, Scripture meaning to suggest that the judgments of God are incomprehensible. Again the psalmist encouraged himself with the rhetorical refrain (cf. For in order to making supplication unto God, I have not to buy anything from places beyond the sea; or in order that He may hear me, have I to sail to bring from a distance frankincense and perfumes, or have I to bring calf or ram from the flock. Psalm 42 - Honest Prayer from a Discouraged Saint This psalm is titled To the Chief Musician. In this penultimate volume of his series on preaching Christ from the Old Testament, Sidney Greidanus offers expert guidance for busy pastors on preaching Christ from Psalms. [Note: VanGemeren, p. 42-72 In Book 1, all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writer. Here, when men keep festival simply for their own indulgence, it is their custom to place musical instruments, or to station a chorus of singers, before their houses, or any kind of music that serves and allures to wantonness. (2) Psalm 43 has no title for it. Yet we must even now take notice of this title in such a way, that what we have said already should be no prejudice against our saying it again: for all were not present in every place where we said it. It suggests that the psalmists faith will bridge over the interval between himself and the sanctuary: I can send my thoughts to Thee from the distant frontier" (in loc.). So once more the wave of emotion rolls over the psalmist, but with a new aspect which makes all the difference. And the little hill of Hermon. Why go I mourning, while mine enemy troubles me, while he breaks my bones? Hebrew word doesnt mean spirit but a persons life; who and what we really are. THE VANITY OF SELF EFFORT. As he walks in this tabernacle, and contemplates God's wonderful works for the redemption of the faithful, the sound of that festivity charms his ears, and bears the hart away to the water-brooks. Naturally this transition strophe is marked by the mingling of both. I know this is a given but prayer prepares the preacher's heart for the studying of God's word (1 Peter 2:1-2) and it prepares the preacher's mind to receive clarity and insight into God's word (Psalm 119:18). Psalm 42 essentially a lament, with Psalm 43 forming the Psalmists prayer in response to the lament. To the Lord I cry aloud and He answers me from His holy hill. {Psalms 42:11 and Psalms 43:5} But probably the text is faulty. Rejected me, that is to say, from that height of the apprehension of the unchangeable Truth. Because He loves us. The kingdom of Israel was first united under David, and it is appropriate that David would write a psalm about living together in unity. So, one purpose of the big idea is that you organize the sermon around it. Each Monday brings a set of at least seven outlines to your e-mail box. It would be good if all of us were so composed and careful in the expression of our discouragements that we never said anything amiss. Soul. The locality thus designated is too far north for the scene of Davids retreat before Absalom, unless we give an unusual southward extension to the names; and this makes a difficulty in the way of accepting the hypothesis of the authors having been in his retinue. The separation, however, is old, since it is found in the LXX. He calls past experiences to mind. He called his book The Souls Conflict with Itself, because in Psalm 42:5 thats exactly what you have; the soul arguing with itself, preaching to itself. The prophet Ezekiel lived in a time when the people of Judah did not experience peace. The stage of mechanical repetition of complaints is not far from that of cessation of them. Assuredly it is from your seeing me labouring, that you labour with me: for I am labouring not for myself, but for you. It is a faith that has uncertainty in it; it is tinged by shades of doubt. Important that we dont respond inappropriately. God being what He is, no longing soul can ever remain unsatisfied. The insufficiency of the circumstances described to warrant the vehement emotions expressed is implied in the summons. The preceding verses have given ample reason why she has been dejected, but now she is summoned to repeat them to a judicial ear. let me put two sayings of Scripture side by side, 'My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God,'-'Father Abraham! Fourth, the psalmist preaches to his own soul. The correspondence between mans needs and their true object is involved in that name "the living God"; for a heart can rest only in one all-sufficient Person, and must have a heart to throb against. For when I was pouring out my soul above myself, in order to reach my God, why did I do so? Psalm 42 essentially a lament, with Psalm 43 forming the Psalmist's prayer in response to the lament. preaching the gospel. OBJECTIVES:Each listener should be able to understand the story, repeat it, and . But they are happy in their very yearnings who are conscious of the true direction of these, and can say that it is God for whom they are athirst. Faith may have a long struggle with fear, but it will have the last word, and that word will be "the help of my countenance and my God. Expository sermons allow the preacher, rather, to bridge the gap between an ancient culture and our own to make appropriate applications to those who hear him. Then follows a gleam of hope, like a rainbow spanning the waterfall. Youve learned deeply that its no relief to say that God does not rule the wind and the waves. Where, I pray, is your God? He prays now; he had only remembered and complained and said that he would pray before. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. If it is, the second part of the psalm is also conformed to the other two in regard to its not beginning with the Divine name. Is it disquieted on account of God? Lecture 1: Expository Preaching of the Psalms - Dr. Steven Lawson The Master's Seminary 104K subscribers Subscribe 598 Share Save 45K views 10 years ago TMS Archives: Expository Preaching. So the higher mood conquers at last, and breaks into a burst of joyous petition, which passes swiftly into realisation of the future joys whose coming shines thus far off. A quick reading of this Psalm suggests there are two divisions: (1) vv. . For we find in the hart an emblem of swiftness. Psalms 43:2 looks back to Psalms 42:9, the former clause in each verse being practically equivalent, and the second in 43 (Psalms 43:2), being a quotation of the second in Psalms 42:9, with a variation in the form of the verb to suggest more vividly the picture of weary, slow, dragging gait, fit for a man clad in mourning garb. Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God. Oh, how crucial this is in the fight of faith. Why go I mourning, while mine enemy troubles me, while he breaks my bones? Let then our understanding be roused: and if the Psalm be sung to us, let us follow it with our understanding.Run to the brooks; long after the water-brooks. It is not a question asked for enlightenments sake but is an exclamation of impatience, if not of rebuke. Wherefore so? For there are already many things that I admire in the tabernacle. Whither then shall I go from Your presence? Those very tears were sweet unto me: being thirsty for that fountain, inasmuch as I was not as yet able to drink of it, I have eagerly made my tears my meat. sailing on the stormy sea. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. For it is in hope that we are saved; but hope that is seen, is not hope. 11. My soul is thirsty for the living God Psalm 41:2. The writer remembered with great delight the times when he found spiritual refreshment at the sanctuary in Jerusalem, but he was not able to return there yet. Men may speak, may be seen by the operations of their members, may be heard speaking in conversation: but whose thought is penetrated, whose heart seen into? For He who threatens does not let His judgments fall upon us, but keeps them suspended over us. sing unto the . Lo, we have just now been gladdened by certain inward delights: with the mind's eye we have been able to behold, though but with a momentary glance, something not susceptible of change: why do you still disquiet me, why are you still cast down? For were it to rest in itself, it would not see anything else beyond itself; and in seeing itself, would not, for all that, see God. Streaks of brightness flash through the gloom. Hes not thirsting mainly for escape. Scripture: PSALM 42:1-11, PSALM 43:1-5 Inner-Turmoil David Cawston Psalm 42:1-11; Psalm 43:1-5 Introduction: I have a churning place, it's in my stomach just below my rib cage. Deliver me, O my God! I, so long as I do not see, so long as my happiness is postponed, make my tears my bread day and night. For I will go into the place of Your Tabernacle. Feel guilty about not desiring God more. I thought on these things, and poured out my soul above myself Psalm 41:4. Apart from air, water our most basic need. Yet, with the strange but universal love of summoning up remembrance of departed joys, the psalmist finds a certain pleasure in the pain of recalling how he. Thats why it pains me that were not presently able to be together. Once more, too, the higher self repeats its half-rebuke, half-encouragement. True Repentance - Psalm 51. While they say daily unto me, Where is your God? But the curb has not been applied quite in vain, for throughout the succeeding verses there is a striking alternation of despondency and hope. 1. Contact information. It is a birthday that is being celebrated (say they), there is a marriage here; that those songs may not appear out of place, but the luxurious indulgence may be excused by the festive occasion. Has experienced the joy of long refreshing drinks in a cool mountain stream. When Fear Grips Your Life - Psalm 27. Deep calls on deep with the voice of Your water-spouts. From whence did I remember you? 1Corinthians10:12 Therefore since there is no soundness in me for myself, there is no hope either for me of myself. To what mortal's lot has it fallen? For that hart that made tears its bread day and night, borne along by longing to the water-brooks (that is, to the spiritual delights of God), pouring forth his soul above himself, that he may attain to what is above his own soul, walking towards the place of the wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God, and led on by the sweetness of that inward spiritual sound to feel contempt for all outward things, and be borne on to things spiritual, is but a mortal man still; is still groaning here, still bearing about the frailty of flesh, still in peril in the midst of the offenses Matthew18:7 of this world. 2. MATTHEW HENRY Psalm 42 Commentary WILLIAM HESLOP Psalms 40-49 Sermon Seeds from the Psalms WILLIAM HOLWICK Psalm 42:1-11 When You Are Really Down (see OT > Psalms) HOMILETICS - Pulpit Commentary Multiple Homilies GEORGE HORNE Psalm 42 Commentary JAMIESON, F, B Psalm 42 Commentary KEIL AND DELITZSCH Psalm 42 Commentary A F KIRKPATRICK Let there be no sloth in your running; run with all your might: long for the fountain with all your might. For in prosperity God commends to you His mercy, in case thou serve Him faithfully, for He frees you from tribulation; but it is in the night only that He declares His mercy to you, which He commended to you by day. For an abyss is a depth that cannot be reached or comprehended; and it is principally applied to a great body of water. When spiritually dry, we who are believers should remind ourselves that God is sufficient for all our needs. aye, let them say it! It is better therefore to translate "hind" than "hart." Psalm 41:9. The shifting of the initial word of Psalms 42:6 to the end of Psalms 42:5, and the substitution of My for His, bring the three refrains into line, and avoid the harsh expression "help of His countenance." Because then God gives us all good things, because He Himself is good, not because we are worthy of it; because He is merciful, not because we have in anything deserved it; it is from the land of Jordan, and from Hermon, that I remember you. Would you have me not disquiet you, panting as I am after what is good, thirsting and labouring as I am for it? Again, verse 8: By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. This is not a song of jubilant hope. Follow along with me as I read Psalm 42: To the choirmaster. But even these bitter sarcasms are less bitter than the remembrance of "happier things," which is his "sorrows crown of sorrow." Therefore the refrain comes for a third time; and this time the longing, trembling soul continues at the height to which the better self has lifted it, and silently acknowledges that it need not have been cast down. The second part of the psalm takes up the question of the refrain, and first reiterates with bitter emphasis that the soul is bowed down, and then pours out once more the stream of reasons for dejection. When tribulation shall actually come, He will not leave you destitute of His help; He will show you that which He commended to you in the daytime is true. And he knows it. Anathematize yourself, by being displeased with yourself; for if you are pleased with yourself, God will be displeased with you. The Place of Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46. 2. That is the worlds way with the calamities of a devout man, whose humble cry, "My God," it resents as presumption or hypocrisy. Well give way to a downcast and disquieted spirit is called a loveless... 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expository sermon on psalm 42